This report from the Nutrient Management Export Group sets out recommendations to Defra on the optimal policy approach to reduce pollution from nutrients in agriculture.

NMEG was launched in November 2020, to advise Defra on how to minimise pollution from the use, manufacture, storage and distribution of nutrients arising from agriculture and intended for crops.

The report states that nutrient management is a significant concern for the UK government and demands a co- ordinated, long-term and strategic approach that is adaptable and monitored effectively. The significant challenge of meeting current and proposed future environmental targets will require wider change across the agri-food sector, and more radical shifts in practices of food production, supply and consumption. New policy measures will be required to match these high-level ambitions.

It sets out 15 recommendations to Defra, including:

  • Development of a National Nutrient Management Strategy and an action plan to deliver it
  • Joined-up and long-term consistent policy
  • Ambitious government targets supported by substantially increased public and private investment
  • Policy development through meaningful co-design
  • Setting targets for soil
  • Promote nutrient management planning

You can read a full copy of the report here.

Government response

Government has welcomed the report and say that the recommendations will be of help to government as it looks to update current policies and develop new polices on nutrient management. Full response here.