• Collection of recycled policies betray lack of vision and ambition.  
  • Steps must go further to meet legally binding targets and stimulate investment into the UK. 
  • Manifesto arguably treats Net Zero as a cost to the UK – the REA does not acknowledge this and calls for the recognition of the significant benefits. 


The REA (Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology) is disappointed by the lack of new concrete policies, ambition and vision displayed in the Conservative manifesto published today. More broadly, the inference that Net Zero is a burden the UK economy must bear, rather than an opportunity to be seized, is a dangerous narrative and one the REA strongly pushes back on. 

Growing the economy and delivering net zero go hand in hand.  The UK’s net zero economy grew by 9% in 2023, in stark contrast to the wider economy’s stagnation, with GDP growth at just 0.1%. The latest research indicates that investments to achieve net zero could create approximately 250,000 full-time equivalent jobs by 2030. This includes 150,000 direct jobs and a further 100,000 indirect jobs in the construction, installation, and operation of new technologies, as well as jobs further up the UK supply chain, such as manufacturing. 

The manifesto does not recognise the benefits and opportunities from Net Zero, suggesting it being a burden on households instead – which the REA strongly rejects. The REA has recently published a Net Zero mythbusting paper, to counteract misconceptions and misinformation surrounding the energy transition. 


Frank Gordon, Director of Policy, REA (Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology), said: 

“There are a few welcome measures in the Conservative manifesto, for example confirming support for Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS), increasing wind power and implementing the findings of the Winser Review to speed up the lead time for renewables to connect to the grid – however overall it lacks ambition and continues the PM’s divisive tone on tackling Net Zero, which is not helpful for the sector.   

A possible concern is the commitment ‘not to introduce any new green levies’ and reduce existing ones, which calls into question how they will fund Net Zero and the expansion of offshore wind and the networks they commit to elsewhere in the same document.  

We do not recognise the characterisation in places of Net Zero as a burden to the economy and households. Rather we highlight this Government’s previous approach that recognised energy security and Net Zero as two sides of the same coin within their plans for Powering Up Britain. Investment in Net Zero delivers real economic opportunities for growth and demonstrable real returns in the form of an affordable, secure and decarbonised energy system.”