REA General Election #REAction

REA 2024 Manifesto


General Election Net Zero myths debunked


The First 100 Days Action Plan


Policy Briefings

The REA is creating a series of policy briefings providing an overview of our key energies and technologies.

  • Deep Geothermal – can be seen here.
  • Biogas & Biomethane – can be seen here.


Further materials for members

Manifesto Matrix / Comparison Table

The REA has compiled a comparison table across key issues raised in the three main party manifestos concerning energy, climate and environmental issues.

We hope this will allow members to see the different commitments the three parties make and how they frame the issues.

The issues are divided into pillars looking at:
• Cross-cutting, Economy-Wide Policies
• Decarbonising Power and Flexibility
• Decarbonising Heat and Cooling
• Decarbonising Transport
• Delivering Circular Bioresources and Protecting the Environment

You can see these here – Manifesto matrix / comparison table


Member letter to their local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs)

The REA has published this template letter for members to download, to help them get in touch with their local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates and organise site visits.

You can download your copy here – Member letter to local PPC