There is growing recognition of the vital role of soil health in the ecosystem and of the risks of depleted soil fertility. Many of our work streams address this pressing topic.

See the resources and news sections below for our latest work in this area.


Related Resources


Jul 9, 2024

Quality Protocol Revision

The Compost and Anaerobic Digestate Quality Protocols have been undergoing revision for some time. The revised documents are now called ‘Resource Frameworks’. Draft documents have been released for feedback from industry.


Jun 28, 2024

Circular Economy Bill Scotland

Legislation giving Ministers and local authorities the tools needed to increase reuse and recycling rates, as well as modernise and improve waste and recycling services, has been passed in Scotland.


Jun 27, 2024

EASR 2018 Proposed Amendments: Consultation Analysis

The Scottish Government published a summary of responses received on their EASR consultation which includes direct responses from the Scottish Government on each topic. A briefing on the relevant sections is available for REA members.