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Member Forums

(1057 results)

REA Draft Response to Carbon Non-Pipeline Transport Call for Evidence

Jul 12, 2024

REA Draft Response to Carbon Non-Pipeline Transport Call for Evidence

Policy Briefing: Biogas and Biomethane

Jul 10, 2024

Policy Briefing: Biogas and Biomethane

Policy Briefing providing an action plan to support green gases.

Quality Protocol Revision

Jul 9, 2024

Quality Protocol Revision

The Compost and Anaerobic Digestate Quality Protocols have been undergoing revision for some time. The revised documents are now called ‘Resource Frameworks’. Draft documents have been released for feedback from industry.

Policy Briefing: Deep Geothermal

Jul 2, 2024

Policy Briefing: Deep Geothermal

Policy Briefing providing an overview of geothermal energy, and Deep Geothermal in particular, in the UK in 2024.

Circular Economy Bill Scotland

Jun 28, 2024

Circular Economy Bill Scotland

Legislation giving Ministers and local authorities the tools needed to increase reuse and recycling rates, as well as modernise and improve waste and recycling services, has been passed in Scotland.

EASR 2018 Proposed Amendments: Consultation Analysis

Jun 27, 2024

EASR 2018 Proposed Amendments: Consultation Analysis

The Scottish Government published a summary of responses received on their EASR consultation which includes direct responses from the Scottish Government on each topic. A briefing on the relevant sections is available for REA members.

REA Submits Response to DAERA’s ‘Rethinking Our Resources’ Consultation

Jun 27, 2024

REA Submits Response to DAERA’s ‘Rethinking Our Resources’ Consultation

REA submitted a response to the consultation on the 27th of June, incorporating feedback from our NI members.

Track List of Grid Modification Updates

Jun 27, 2024

Track List of Grid Modification Updates

The REA’s track list of all the grid and connection code modifications proposed to the Electricity System Operator (ESO).

Members Discussion Slides on CCS Non-Pipeline Transport and UK ETS Waste Expansion

Jun 25, 2024

Members Discussion Slides on CCS Non-Pipeline Transport and UK ETS Waste Expansion

PowerPoint slides from recent REA member discussions on consultations relating to Non-Pipeline Transport for Carbon and the Extension of the UK ETS to the Waste Sector.

REA response to Sustainable aviation fuels revenue certainty mechanism: revenue certainty options

Jun 20, 2024

REA response to Sustainable aviation fuels revenue certainty mechanism: revenue certainty options

REA  Response: “Delivering a Smart and Secure Electricity System: Implementation”

Jun 19, 2024

REA Response: “Delivering a Smart and Secure Electricity System: Implementation”

General Election 2024: Party Manifesto Commitments on Energy, Climate and The Environment – Comparison Tables

Jun 18, 2024

General Election 2024: Party Manifesto Commitments on Energy, Climate and The Environment – Comparison Tables

REA All-Members Meeting: General Election 2024, briefing for the Renewables & Clean Tech Sector

Jun 14, 2024

REA All-Members Meeting: General Election 2024, briefing for the Renewables & Clean Tech Sector

Northern Ireland launches ‘Developing Biomethane Production’ Call for evidence

Jun 13, 2024

Northern Ireland launches ‘Developing Biomethane Production’ Call for evidence

Northern Ireland launches ‘Developing Biomethane Production’ Call for evidence

REA response to Scottish Bioenergy policy statement

Jun 12, 2024

REA response to Scottish Bioenergy policy statement

REA Response to the Introduction of a UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism from January 2017 Consultation

Jun 11, 2024

REA Response to the Introduction of a UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism from January 2017 Consultation

Following member feedback, the REA has responded to the Introduction of a UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism from January 2027 Consultation. 

Member only briefing: High level Legislative Wash-Up Pre-election for our sector

Jun 7, 2024

Member only briefing: High level Legislative Wash-Up Pre-election for our sector

This member only briefing on the High level outcomes of the Legislative Wash-Up Pre-election summarises the key outcomes of what made it through Parliament in time before the election campaign started and what did not.
Parliament was dissolved on 30th May 2024 and is currently expected to return on 9th July 2024.

REA Wood Heat Forum Air Quality Leaflet

Jun 4, 2024

REA Wood Heat Forum Air Quality Leaflet