Mar 25 2021, 11:00 - 12:00



Introduction to Doing Business in China

The achievement of a net-zero energy balance by 2050 is a global enterprise that will not be solved by countries working on their own. The global renewable energy and clean technology sector is therefore becoming ever more integrated, offering excellent trade and business development opportunities. The REA  has developed a series of international events to raise our members’ awareness of the international trading opportunities that are available, and provide support where requested.

The start of this series of webinars will focus on China, by introducing the background, policy, and structures of the Chinese low-carbon market. China is the fastest-growing major economy and it too is facing its energy transitioning point, pledging to be carbon neutral by 2060. The Chinese market is already world-leading in several areas of cleantech investment, such as electric vehicle and solar power to accelerate their growth, but still lacks knowledge in other areas. There will be an opportunity for international cooperation if it is to deliver its fully-rounded decarbonising plan. The webinar is designed to specifically help our members (and the wider community) to understand the market, resources and regulations in China.

The session will cover 5 main topics:


  1. Get to know China, understanding the scale of supply and demand
  2. China’s Political System, and the decision-making process that guides renewable development
  3. Chinese Decarbonisation Policy and Opportunities
  4. Build a China-Ready business
  5. Where to Start, and to how find supports



For any queries please get in touch with [email protected]. For any issues with booking, please contact [email protected].