Feb 07 2020, 09:00 - 13:00


CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP
Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AF


Seminar: Roaming Across Britain’s Public EV Charging Networks – FULLY BOOKED

THIS EVENT IS NOW AT CAPACITY AND CLOSED FOR BOOKINGS – to be added to the wait-list please email Daniel Brown at the REA –


Seamless access to charging networks is a crucial topic for individual drivers, fleets, regulators, manufacturers, property owners, and charge point operators. Interoperability (also known as e-roaming) across public charging networks in the UK is a growing issue of debate and discussion.

Building on the REA’s research and position paper from February 2019, and on numerous interoperability agreements signed over the year between UK market actors, the REA in February 2020 will host a half-day seminar with leading roaming solutions providers.

For charge point operators, this will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the two primary solutions for interoperability – peer to peer agreements and/or roaming hubs, and to better understand the practicalities of integrating these systems into one’s network and business model.

For fleet operators, landowners, manufacturers, and others, it will be an important event to understand what interoperability will mean for your businesses and services, and how to bridge discussions of the topic with charge point developers.

The REA views public charging interoperability as an important industry topic. We see our role as an Association being to raise the profile of the issue and equip members with the ability to make informed choices.

All REA members are welcome to attend free of charge.

Non REA members can attend for a fee of £50+VAT. Market actors (such as those outlined below) directly impacted by the topic are welcome to attend. 

This event will be held under Chatham House rules, meaning that comments made on the day be delegates will be non-attributable, which we hope will encourage open engagement and deliberation.

Slides will be made available following the event.


Details: Roaming Across Britain’s Public EV Charging Networks – your questions answered from leading solutions providers.

Date: 9:00am – 1:00pm on Friday, 7th February 2020.

Location: CMS London, 78 Cannon St, London EC4N 6AF

Event format: Half-day event featuring break-out sessions with talks from roaming solutions providers.

Costs: Free for REA members, £50+VAT for relevant non-members following quick application.

Attendees must be operating in the industry or public sector. With questions, please email Daniel Brown (


Relevant attendees include:

  • charge point operators
  • fleet operators
  • energy suppliers
  • EVSE manufacturers
  • automotive manufacturers
  • property owners / managers
  • policy makers, politicians
  • NGOs
  • others involved in the public EV charging supply chain

Confirmed Primary Sponsors: ChargePoint, Hubject, Gireve

Confirmed Event Partner: CMS London


Ed3 Agenda as of 29 January 2020