Mar 12 2020, 09:00 - 17:00
Buy Tickets - REA Member Conference & Dinner (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - REA Member Dinner Only (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - REA Member Table of 10 at Gala Dinner Only (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - REA Member Conference Only (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - REA Non Members Conference & Dinner Package (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - Non Members Early Bird Conference & Dinner (Till 7th Feb) (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - Environmental Regulator Conference Only (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - Non Member Table of 10 Dinner at Gala Dinner Only (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - Local Authority Conference Only (£0 + VAT)
Buy Tickets - Non Members Dinner Only (£0 + VAT)
REA Organics 2020 Conference, Exhibition, Dinner & Live Demo Site Visit
REA Organics will be celebrating its 25th year at our Annual Conference and Exhibition on the 12th March. This year’s conference will be Chesford Grange just outside Warwick / Kenilworth and this prestigious event will mark a milestone in the growth of our valued sector.
REA Organics 2020 Conference, ‘Lifting the lid on the future of organics recycling’ will provide a unique opportunity for industry to not only review the successes of the last 25 years but also plan for the next 25, in what is a fast changing regulatory and operating environment. We have faced many challenges over the last quarter of a century and through innovation and determination we have grown the sector to one which encompasses a breadth of technologies contributing significantly to England achieving a recycling rate of 45%.
With mandatory food waste collections now firmly on the horizon, there will be opportunities to grow further and embrace changes coming our way through the Resources and Waste Strategy.
So with all this happening NOW, we urge you to attend this event and support your sector at this pivotal moment in order that we can effect change and drive the organics recycling agenda even further to deliver a more sustainable organics recycling sector, enhance and improve our finite soils as well as the provision of a sustainable artificial fertiliser replacement, soil improver and growing media.
We look forward to seeing you on the 12th March. The full programme can be downloaded below.
Huge thanks to our fantastic sponsors and exhibitors who help make this event possible.
Gala Dinner
This years Gala Dinner will take place at Chesford Grange, Warwickshire after the conference. The Gala Dinner is always a great place to network with old and new contacts but this year will a truly special event with an array of guests who’ve worked with and for the association across the years.
Dress Code: Black Tie
Drinks Reception 7:00 pm
Dinner 8:00 pm
Entertainment till late
Live Demo Site Visit
Site visit to BERKSWELL COMPOSTING SITE (part of the JMR Group) the day after the ORGANICS 2020 event – 13th March 2020. But as this is our 25th Anniversary this is no ordinary site visit, it’s also a live machinery demonstration event on a working site. And, it’s free to attend so make sure you book your place.
Having brought the industry together for the conference and dinner, what better way to clear your head before you head home than to see and hear about what’s on the market. Many exhibitors are already signed up to show you their kit so download the booking form below and secure your place now.
Live Demo Site Visit Flyer-Booking Form
We still have a few rooms left on allocation at Chesford Grange. If you would like to book a room please contact the hotel direct for ORGANICS 2020.
Bed & Breakfast £97 per person
If you have any questions regarding the event please email