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NNFCC Publishes 2021 Anaerobic Digestion Deployment in the UK Report
This item includes information about the new report on AD Deployment published by the NNFCC.
REA initial recommendations on key policies to kick start hydrogen development
This item includes our initial recommendations to Government on the top priorities to help kick start the development of clean hydrogen
REA submits response to RTFO consultation
This item includes the REA’s response to the DFT consultation ‘Targeting Net Zero – Next steps for the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation’
Clarifications from BEIS on the GGSS
This item includes a few clarifications provided by BEIS on the GGSS
REA Publishes Position Paper on Hydrogen
The REA has completed a position paper on hydrogen. Many thanks to all the members who fed in
REA Response: ‘Best Available Techniques’: a future regime within the UK
REA Response to DEFRA consultation
REA consultation response: River Basin Management Plan – Improving Storage and Application
The REA has published their response to the consultation on the River Basin Management Plan, aimed at improving storage and application.
Slides from BEIS roundtable on business models for non-CCUS enabled hydrogen and small scale hydrogen production
This item includes BEIS slides presented at a recent roundtable on business models for non-CCUS enabled hydrogen and small scale hydrogen production
Members Briefing – Government Biomass Strategy Call for Evidence
Members Briefing on the Government’s Biomass Strategy Call for Evidence
Scottish Government’s second consultation on banning oxo-degradables and specific single-use plastics
REA Response to the Future Buildings Standard Response
Scottish Government launch £70m fund to improve recycling
The Scottish Government have launched the £70m Recycling Improvement Fund to improve recycling infrastructure across Scotland.
Consultation outcome published for Non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures for permitted facilities
The Environment Agency (EA) have published their consultation outcome for “Non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures for permitted facilities”.
Details of the Green Gas Support Scheme published
This item includes a member briefing on the Government decisions on the Green Gas Support Scheme
REA provides feedback to Ofgem on their RHI Closure guidance
This news item includes the REA’s response to Ofgem consultation on their draft RHI Closure Guidance
Presentations from REA Green Gas Forum meeting now available
This item includes all presentations from the recent meeting of REA Green Gas
REA responds to BSI’s consultation on draft PAS 115
On 26th February the REA submitted its response to the British Standards Institution’s public consultation draft of PAS 115.
Calling for funding the Compost and AD Quality Protocol Revisions
Joint Trade Assocation call for industry to provide funding to enable the revision of the Compost and AD Quality Protocols.
REA Biogas becomes REA Green Gas
This article explains the reasons why REA Biogas has been renamed to REA Green Gas
Final Red Diesel consultation outcome published
HM Treasury has published the final outcome of the consultation on reforms to the tax treatment of red diesel and other rebated fuels.