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REA comments on Labour’s ‘zero carbon standard’ for new all homes
Labour announce plans to introduce a ‘zero carbon standard’ for all new homes in the UK.
REA 2019 Election Manifesto
REA 2019 Election Manifesto
REA outlines five manifesto pledges essential to achieving Net Zero
In advance of the upcoming election, the REA is urging all political parties to adopt five manifesto pledges or risk missing the UK’s legally binding Net Zero targets.
REA Briefing: Environment Bill
A summary of the Environment Bill aims, outlined in July 2019 and brought forward in the Queen’s Speech 2019.
Ofgem Publishes Response to Water Meter Open Letter
Ofgem Publishes Response to Water Meter Open Letter
Future Gas Series report published
Policy Connect recently published the final report of their Future Gas Series .
Labour publishes Thirty by 2030 report
Last week Labour endorsed the Thirty Recommendations by 2030: Expert Briefing for the Labour Party report
REA seeks MPs support on Environment Bill
The REA has been seeking support from MPs to scrutinise the Environment Bill
REA attends launch of ENA’s Decarbonisation Pathway project
The REA attended the launch of the ENA’s report ‘Pathways to Net-Zero: Decarbonising the Gas Networks in Great Britain
REA’s latest position on a future Green Gas Mechanism submitted to BEIS
Paper setting out REA’s position on a future support scheme for green gas submitted to BEIS
Consultation on changes to Standard Rules Permits
The Environment Agency have released their consultation on the revision of the standard rules sets for biowaste treatment. The consultation runs until 13th January 2020.
BBC reports PM to Chair Cabinet Climate Change Committee
BBC reports that the Prime Minister is to Chair a newly-formed Cabinet Committee on Climate Change. Committee first mooted by Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom to the BEIS Committee on 15 October.
Government hint at the creation of a cabinet sub-committee on climate change in response to CCC
Earlier this afternoon Andrea Leadsom MP stated that the Government could ‘potentially’ introduce a new cabinet sub-committee on climate change in the Government’s response to the CCC’s annual progress report.
Prorogation sees Trade and environmentally friendly bills dropped amid Extinction Rebellion protests
On Tuesday evening Parliament was prorogued seeing a number of bills dropped including the Agriculture, Trade and Non-Domestic Ratings Bills.
REA comments on latest Energy Trends
Earlier today BEIS released the latest Energy Trends statisticsThe release found that coal had reached a record low and that biofuel consumption had increased by 30% on 2018 Q2 figures.
Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 3
Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 3
Ministers must commit to 16% bioenergy to safeguard UK energy security
A new report from the UK’s leading renewable energy and clean technology trade association is urging Ministers to commit to 16% of primary energy supply coming from bioenergy by 2032 or risk jeopardising the UK’s energy security.
Results of the Third CfD Renewable Power Technology Auction
Results of the Third CfD Renewable Power Technology Auction
EA to review all 13 Quality Protocols
Quality Protocols (QPs) are end of waste frameworks, recognised by the Environment Agency and used by industry on a voluntary basis to identify the point at which waste, having been fully recovered, may be regarded as a non-waste product. This means the waste derived material can be used in specified markets without the need for waste regulation controls.