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Recording: COP26 Fringe Panel Discussion – REA and NFU Present: Delivering a Decarbonised Agriculture Sector
Recording of the REA and NFU COP 26 Panel Discussion on Decarbonising Agriculture
Environment Act becomes law
The Environment Bill has been passed into UK law and becomes the Environment Act. It contains plans, policies and targets for improving the natural environment and measures to transition to a more circular economy and the Office for Environmental Protection to uphold environmental law.
REA Response to the Draft National Policy Statements Consultation
REA members summary of the Draft National Policy Statements
Key COP26 Announcements
A summary of Key COP 26 announcements from across the two weeks.
Member Briefing: Biomass Policy Statement
The REA’s policy team have produced a member briefing on the Government’s new Biomass Policy Statement.
REA welcomes Biomass Policy Statement
REA Members Briefing – Autumn Budget 2021
Member briefing on the chancellor’s autumn statement
September Wood Heat Forum Member Meeting Slides
On the 28th of September the REA’s Wood Heat Forum held a member meeting, you can see the slides here.
Draft Consultation Responses – Capacity Market Call for Evidence and Flexibility Questionnaire
Draft REA Responses to two recent Government consultations
Member’s REA Briefing – Net Zero Strategy and HM Treasury Net Zero Review
REA members briefing where we have summarised key highlights from the BEIS Net Zero Strategy and the Treasury Net Zero Review.
Slides from the REA AGM 2021
The REA have published the presentation slides from the 2021 REA Annual General Meeting, accessible to members.
Taxonomies and their technical screening criteria for environmentally sustainable investments
REA Response to Consultation on the Design and Delivery of the Energy Code Reform
REA Response to BEIS Code Reform Consultation
REA response to call for evidence on the expansion of the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) requirements
The REA has responded to a call for evidence on the expansion of the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) requirements
REA Members Brief: Planning for New Energy Infrastructure Draft National Policy Statements for Energy Infrastructure
REA Members Brief:
Planning for New Energy Infrastructure Draft National Policy Statements for Energy Infrastructure
REA Draft Response to Consultation on the Design and Delivery of the Energy Code Reform
REA Draft Response to BEIS Code Reform Consultation
Member’s Briefing – BEIS Publishes Details of the CfD Allocation Round 4
The department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has published further details of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round 4.
Industrial decarbonisation grid: a summary of funds available to decarbonise industry
The REA heat policy team has put together an Industrial Decarbonisation Grid. This grid covers all financial schemes affecting Industrial decarbonisation as of September 2021.
Members Briefing – A Summary of Government, Trade Union and Trade Body Policies on Covid-19
This summary details how government departments and regulators that often work with the renewables industry are responding to the Covid-19 crisis, and also gives information on how major trade unions and trade bodies are providing support to members.
BEIS Launches New Competitions under Net Zero Innovation Portfolio
BEIS have announced a £40 million Red Diesel Replacement (RDR) competition to support the development of low carbon alternatives to red diesel.