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  • Guest post: Navigating the EV revolution

    Negative emissions (sometimes also referred to as Greenhouse Gas Removals or GGRs) are achieved when we remove carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere.

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  • REA calls upon new Government to honour net zero commitments

    Coming into this role, Boris Johnson has a lot of work ahead of him, from appointing the new cabinet to working towards Brexit, the next few months are set to be full steam ahead. However, in this time it is crucial that the UK’s commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 does not slip. In order to achieve our legally binding targets and rectify the policy gap highlighted in the Committee on Climate Change’s recent progress report; a far-reaching, long-term and bold approach to policy making. 

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  • Matt Western MP elected as new chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles

    Matt Western MP has been elected as the new Chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles (EVs) following an election held on Monday 15th July. Former Chair Rebecca Pow MP announced that she would be stepping down from the position last month following her new role as a Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

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  • REA Comments on National Grid ESO’s Future Energy Scenarios

    Today the National Grid ESO, with their latest Future Energy Scenarios, has reemphasised the scale of the transformation needed to decarbonise our power, heating and transport sectors to meet our 2050 decarbonisation targets.

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  • REA comments on CCC Progress Report

    “Today’s CCC progress report must be the starting gun for Government to get on and deliver the UK’s legally binding ambitions to have net zero emissions by 2050. The report reflects the status of renewable and clean tech markets today, with a dearth of polices constraining the pipeline of power, heat and transport projects needed to deliver immediate carbon reductions.

    What’s more this policy gap is currently expected to grow, support for renewable heat technologies – under the RHI – is set to come to an end in 2021, transport targets continue to lack sufficient ambition and some of the cheapest renewable power technologies lack a viable route to market. This current stasis puts supply chains and jobs at risk, while also slowing innovation which will be crucial to further decarbonisation in the future.

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  • Smart EV charging good for decarbonisation and the electricity system

    REA comments on Government press release highlighting how all new grant-funded home chargepoints need to be ‘smart’ by 1 July.

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  • REA welcomes the Mayor of London’s electric vehicle infrastructure plan

    Earlier this morning the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, launched the London electric vehicle infrastructure delivery plan. The plan outlines the mayor’s plans to expand London’s electric vehicle charging network and bring forward the ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles in London from 2040 to 2030.

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  • REA welcomes decision to legislate for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

    The UK Government has confirmed that they will be adopting the Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation for net-zero greenhouse gases by 2050. Secondary legislation is due to be introduced shortly.

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  • REA comments on EV charging sites outnumbering petrol stations for the first time

    Figures from Zap-Map reveal that as of 22 May, the number of public EV charging locations now exceeds the number of petrol stations.

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  • BEIS Consultation on Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

    REA Response to the BEIS Consultation on Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

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  • BEIS Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Part B Consultation

    REA Response to BEIS Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Part B Consultation

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  • External Report: Practical Considerations for Implementation and Scaling ISO 15118

    Practical Considerations for Implementation and Scaling ISO 15118 into a Secure EV Charging Ecosystem is an external report by digicert, ChargePoint, and eonTi. May 14 2019

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  • CCC confirm that the fall in the cost of renewables will enable ‘net zero’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) publish their long awaited report on setting the UK’s long-term emissions targets. The report highlights that the significant decline in renewable energy costs makes this more ambitious target more affordable. REA support report but argue that to secure economic advantages of being a first mover, long-term investable policy is required.

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  • Finance and Investment in Energy Infrastructure – BEIS Select Committee Inquiry

    Finance and Investment in Energy Infrastructure – BEIS Select Committee Inquiry

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  • REA comments on the introduction of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)

    On the 8th April the Ultra-Low Emission Zone will come into force in Greater London.

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  • Renewables in Buildings; Building ‘Power’ful Homes of the Future

    Emissions reductions from the UK’s 29 million homes have stalled, while energy use in homes – which accounts for 14% of total UK emissions – increased between 2016 and 2017. Our homes are just not good enough to deal with climate change, the CCC warns in its recent report. Energy nerds realise the low hanging fruit is being picked (decarbonising power), and that we now need to focus on encouraging new sectors (especially construction and transport) to join the renewables transition. The Government’s spring statement highlighted their dedication to decarbonising the buildings sector, so this blog looks to review targets and policy framework, understand what the future homes package looks like, and explore its real value.

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  • REA comments on the Future of Urban Mobility Strategy

    The Department for Transport released their Future of Urban Mobility Strategy alongside a response to the Last Mile Call for Evidence. The Government claims the new Strategy will aim to maximise the benefits from transport innovation in cities and towns. The Strategy includes a £90m funding competition to support local leaders and industry in trialling new mobility services, modes and models and an ambitious regulatory review covering aspects such as data sharing. The REA urges the Government to address the issues outlined in the Last Mile Delivery consultation and prioritise the interoperability of public EV charging as outlined in the REA’s The Interoperability of public EV charging networks in the UK report.

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  • Rebecca Pow announced as new chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles

    Rebecca Pow MP has been elected as the new Chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles after being nominated by former Chair, the Rt Hon Dame Cheryl Gillan MP. Dame Cheryl announced that she would be stepping down as Chair after successfully establishing the group and supporting its membership growth to over 40 parliamentarians over the past year. She will continue to be involved in the APPG in her new role as Vice Chair.

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  • Consultation on Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

    REA Response to Consultation on Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

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  • New report urges UK EV industry to prioritise consumer ease of using public charging points

    A new report and position paper released today from the REA is making the case that greater ‘interoperability’ between EV charging networks in the UK should be an industry priority.

    The REA is the UK’s largest trade association for renewable energy and clean tech, representing around 70 companies operating in the UK’s EV charging sector including energy suppliers, manufacturers, charge point installers and operators, and financiers.

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