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A cross-sector coalition is calling for a post-election pact on Net Zero ahead of the world’s first televised climate debate
An open letter signed by over 40 academics, policy specialists, trade bodies and businesses has called upon major political parties to agree to a post-election pact on climate change.
Open letter to party leaders: Post – election pact on climate change
We the undersigned believe that urgent action is required to ensure that the UK meets our Net Zero targets and continues to lead the way on the international stage.
REA Responses to OLEV Building Regulation and Smart Charging Consultation
REA final responses to OLEV consultations on amending building regulations and on smart charging.
REA comments on Party Manifestos
The REA welcomes the Green Party’s policy announcement today, to appoint a Carbon Chancellor. They have identified a weak link in the UK’s ambitions to decarbonise the country; the Treasury.
Ofgem publishes final outcome from the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) grid charges reforms
Ofgem’s decision on Targeted Charging Review (TCR) grid charges reforms
REA comments on Labour’s ‘Climate Apprenticeships’
The REA wholeheartedly welcomes Labour’s announcement to dedicate an apprenticeship scheme to climate change specific jobs and, in particular, the focus on upskilling existing workers.
REA comments on the Green Party’s ‘Carbon Chancellor’ announcement
The REA welcomes the Green Party’s policy announcement today, to appoint a Carbon Chancellor. They have identified a weak link in the UK’s ambitions to decarbonise the country; the Treasury.
Smart Member Forums Meeting 5th November
Presentation slides from the 5th November 2019 Smart Tech Members Meeting, held at the ICE in London.
REA 2019 Election Manifesto
REA 2019 Election Manifesto
REA outlines five manifesto pledges essential to achieving Net Zero
In advance of the upcoming election, the REA is urging all political parties to adopt five manifesto pledges or risk missing the UK’s legally binding Net Zero targets.
Labour publishes Thirty by 2030 report
Last week Labour endorsed the Thirty Recommendations by 2030: Expert Briefing for the Labour Party report
Report: ‘flexibility’ crucial for Net Zero but regulator pushing ahead with damaging reforms
The REA Launches its new Flexible Futures Report, urging for the deployment of flexible energy technologies with a focus on action required from energy regulator Ofgem as the role of distribution networks is highlighted.
BBC reports PM to Chair Cabinet Climate Change Committee
BBC reports that the Prime Minister is to Chair a newly-formed Cabinet Committee on Climate Change. Committee first mooted by Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom to the BEIS Committee on 15 October.
Government hint at the creation of a cabinet sub-committee on climate change in response to CCC
Earlier this afternoon Andrea Leadsom MP stated that the Government could ‘potentially’ introduce a new cabinet sub-committee on climate change in the Government’s response to the CCC’s annual progress report.
Prorogation sees Trade and environmentally friendly bills dropped amid Extinction Rebellion protests
On Tuesday evening Parliament was prorogued seeing a number of bills dropped including the Agriculture, Trade and Non-Domestic Ratings Bills.
REA comments on HM Treasury tariff update
REA comments on HM Treasury tariff update.
Results of the Third CfD Renewable Power Technology Auction
Results of the Third CfD Renewable Power Technology Auction
Members Briefing – Preparing for Brexit August 2019
Members Briefing – Preparing for Brexit August 2019
REA calls upon new Government to honour net zero commitments
Coming into this role, Boris Johnson has a lot of work ahead of him, from appointing the new cabinet to working towards Brexit, the next few months are set to be full steam ahead. However, in this time it is crucial that the UK’s commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 does not slip. In order to achieve our legally binding targets and rectify the policy gap highlighted in the Committee on Climate Change’s recent progress report; a far-reaching, long-term and bold approach to policy making.