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EA guidance on appropriate measures for biological waste treatment
The EA have published a guidance document detailing the appropriate measures for biological waste treatment.
REA Response: GGR Business Models
REA response to the Greenhouse Gas Removal Business Model Consultation
REA Draft REMA Consultation Response
Draft REA Response to the Government Review of Electricity Market Arrangements
REA Members Briefing: Liz Truss Ministerial Appointments
Briefing on the new Secretary of State and Ministerial Appointments.
REA Respond to Environmental Audit Committee Inquiry on Timber and Deforestation
REA AGM 2022
REA REMA Town Hall Slides
Slides from the REA all member townhall on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements.
Joint REA&ADBA response to consultation on proposed changes to the GDN entry charging arrangements
This item includes the joint REA&ADBA response to consultation on proposed changes to the GDN entry charging arrangements
Slides and key actions from REA / BEIS roundtable on alternative hydrogen production pathways
On 27th July the REA hosted a cross-cutting roundtable with BEIS focused on alternative pathways for hydrogen production (ie non CCUS enabled nor water-based electrolytic).
First joint NZHF & HBM allocation round for electrolytic hydrogen opens, Hydrogen Sector Development Plan and other key hydrogen documents published
This item contains a briefing on the latest documents published by BEIS to support the hydrogen economy
REA Launch Task and Finish Working Group on REMA
List of members of the REA Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) Task and Finish Working Group.
REA Members Briefing: Review of Electricity Market Arrangements Consultation
Members chapter-by-chapter summary and overview briefings on REMA.
REA Members Briefing: NG ESO Future Energy Scenarios 2022
The REA has produced a high-level briefing of what the FES says in relation to our power, heat and transport pillars.
REA Members Briefing: Energy Security Bill
Members briefing on the provisions included in the Energy Bill 2022, currently going through Parliament.
Notes from meeting with BEIS on hydrogen blending
This item includes the latest updated on our discussions with BEIS on hydrogen blending
Hydrogen Business Model and Net Zero Hydrogen Fund electrolytic allocation round: amended notes
This item contains BEIS amended notes from the recent market engagement workshops on the Hydrogen Business Model and Net Zero Hydrogen Fund electrolytic allocation round
REA Member Briefing on CCC Progress Report to Parliament
The REA has produced a member-only briefing summarising and analysing the CCC’s latest progress report to parliament.
Carbon capture at green gas plants: market overview, potential and challenges
This item contains a presentation from the REA providing a market overview, potential and challenges of carbon capture at biomethane sites
Slides from BEIS Stakeholder meeting on the Hydrogen Business Model
This item contains the slides from a meeting recently hosted by BEIS on the Hydrogen Business Model
REA updates position paper on hydrogen
The REA has updated it’s position paper on hydrogen, originally published June 2022.