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REA’s discussion paper on financial support for hydrogen blending into the gas network
The REA has produced a paper on financial support for hydrogen blending, you can download the full paper here.
BEIS Electrolytic Hydrogen Working Group Slides
REA staff recently attended a BEIS Electrolytic Hydrogen Working Group. Please find the slides from the meeting here.
Link to NUTRICAS tool: analysis of different digestate biorefinery systems
Link to NUTRICAS tool, which calculates and and cost estimation of different digestate biorefinery systems for recovery of nutrients, organic matter, water.
REA Response to Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme Call for Evidence
The latest draft response is now available.
Government intervention a ‘moral and economic imperative’ with energy price cap set to reach critical levels
UK ETS Consultation – Presentations from Member Discussions
Slides from the member discussions held in May 2022 concerning UK ETS proposals on Energy from Waste, Green Gas Removal and Biomass Sustainability
Industrial Hydrogen Accelerator (IHA) – Launch Event
REA staff attended the Industrial Hydrogen Accelerator launch event on Monday 9 May.
REA Response to joint Electrolytic Allocation for Hydrogen Business Model and Net Zero Hydrogen Fund
This item includes the REA Response to BEIS market engagement on Electrolytic Allocation for Hydrogen Business Model and Net Zero Hydrogen Fund
BEIS Publish CfD Consultation Response for Supply Chains (AR 5)
CfD Decision Brief
International Compost Awareness Week (May 1 – 7) launches Call to action around the world
Ofgem Decision: Removal of BSUoS charges from Generation
Ofgem final decision on CMP308
Government response to EPR consultation
Government has responded to its consultation on Extended Producer Responsibility system for packaging and packaging waste.
REA Members Briefing – British Energy Security Strategy
A detailed briefing of the Governments British Energy Security Strategy
‘Wholly inadequate’: Government’s Energy Security Strategy ‘fails to rise to the challenge facing the country’
REA submits to BEIS its position on hydrogen blending into the gas network
This article includes the REA’s position about hydrogen blending into the gas network
REA re-iterates to BEIS its position on additionality requirements for hydrogen
This item includes the latest views of the REA on additionality and low-carbon electricity inputs
Industry coalition calls on Government to act on energy bill crisis
Response to House of Commons International Trade Select Committee “Trade and the environment” Inquiry
You can read the document here.
REA develop Draft consultation response to Access and Forward looking charges consultation Member feedback sought
This draft consultation response reflects the REAs considered review on Ofgem’s mind to position on access and forward-looking charges. If you would like to provide feedback on this consultation then please contact by 18th February 2022. The document can be read here.
Member briefing on ongoing discussions with Government around bio-CO2 capture and supply from green gas plants
This briefing provides a summary of how the discussions have progressed since the REA submitted evidence to BEIS from our members about bio-CO2 capture at green gas plants