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Guest Blog: Innovation in Green Hydrogen
Response to UK EPR consultation and draft list of 13 material types to disincentivise
REA responds to government’s consultation on draft UK-wide Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations and their draft list of 13 material types to disincentivise.
Natural Resource Wales publish consultation on regulatory fees and charges
Natural Resource Wales have published a consultation on regulatory fees and charges for 2024/2025.
Government publishes guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants
The Government has published guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants, and will host a webinar.
REview23, the REA’s annual state of the industry report, shows growth of renewables sector, but much further to go
REA Manifesto 2023
The REA has published the REA Manifesto 2023 in advance of the UK General Election.
REA Response: Introducing Fixed Price Certificates into Renewables Obligation Schemes
Full consultation response
REA response to the DESNZ Consultation on Hydrogen Blending in GB Gas Distribution Network
REA Members Discussion: Renewable Obligation Call for Evidence on the proposed introduction of Fixed Price Certificates
Organics Recycling and Biogas Magazine Autumn 2023
The REA have published the Autumn 2023 edition of the Organics Recycling and Biogas Magazine. Read the magazine in full here.
REA Responses: Energy Security and Net Zero Commons Select Committee Inquiries
REA response to the price-based allocation for the Low Carbon Hydrogen Agreement (LCHA) call for evidence
DES NZ Green Jobs Delivery Group survey – Biomethane
REA Member Briefing: Government Biomass Strategy 2023
Full members briefing of the Government’s Biomass Strategy
WRAP report on plastics in composts and digestates
WRAP have published a report looking at plastics in composts and digestates. The project also looked at potential impacts and mitigation.
REA Member Update: Review of Electricity Networks by the Electricity Networks Commissioner
REA Member Update: Additional Investment for AR5 of the CfD Scheme
REA Consultation Response: The Future of the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund
REA Briefing: Call for Evidence on Introducing Fixed Price Certifications into UK-wide Renewable Obligation Schemes
Maximising resources, minimising waste programme
Government have published a new Maximising Resources, Minimising Waste programme. It was previously known as the Waste Prevention Programme for England.