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Biological treatment guidance consultation
The Environment Agency have issued a consultation on their ‘Appropriate Measures for the biological treatment of waste’ guidance. This is a very important document as it will apply to all permitted facilities who treat biological waste.
Guidance on disposing of waste during Coronavirus
Defra have published guidance on how to dispose of waste including PPE and face coverings during the Coronavirus pandemic.
REA comments on Summer Economic Update
REA comments on Summer Economic Update
REA comments on latest Covid Recovery funding
REA comments on latest Covid Recovery funding
REA sets out plans for a successful Green Recovery as the Prime Minister outlines initial support package
REA sets out plans for a successful Green Recovery as the Prime Minister outlines initial support package
Put renewables at heart of green recovery, say trade bodies
REA and ADBA launch joint survey to treat surplus organic waste generated by Covid-19 lockdown
Conducting community consultations in the age of COVID-19
Conducting community consultations in the age of COVID-19
Members Briefing: COVID-19 Business Rates
Members Briefing: COVID-19 Business Rates
Update on Quality Protocols
Following the EA’s call for evidence on the Quality Protocols earlier this year, this is an update on where we are and what to expect over the next few months.
Defra guidance on re-opening Household Waste Recycling Centres
The government has published guidance for local authorities on how they can safely re-open their Household Waste and Recycling Centres but only where social distancing can be maintained and the public and staff can be kept safe.
WRAP report looking at food waste during lockdown
WRAP have published a report looking at citizens and food during lockdown. Findings show that people are managing food better leading to a reduction in food waste.
Seventh edition of NNFCC Anaerobic Digestion Deployment in the UK report published
This news item is about the latest UK AD deployment report published by NNFCC today
EBA’s new paper explains how biogas and biomethane production help reduce emissions
This news item is about a paper recently published by the EBA highlighting the contribution of biogas and biomethane to mitigate GHG emissions
Environment Agency billing information letter
The Environment Agency have issued a letter with information about billing and payments during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Scottish Government thanks waste and resources sector
The Cabinet Secretary in Scotland has written a letter to the waste and resources sector thanking them for all their efforts during the pandemic.
Covid-19 testing for frontline workers
Testing for COVID-19 is being extended to include additional frontline workers who are symptomatic, and members of their household who are symptomatic. This will allow frontline workers to return to work if they, or members of their household, test negative for coronavirus.
REA comments on record peak for solar power generation
REA comments on record levels of solar power being generated
AD capacity available to take surplus food wastes during COVID-19 outbreak
This news item is about a joint trade association survey aimed at the AD sector to identify suitable AD plants for the various feedstocks that may become available during COVID-19 outbreak
Summary of Covid-19 information for Organics Recycling in Scotland
Summary of information about Covid-19 related issues for the organics recycling sector in Scotland, including links to guidance and regulations.
Environment Agency regulatory message
The EA have issued a letter setting out how they will carry out their regulatory duties during the pandemic. They have also published a number of regulatory position statements.