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REA response to consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England
REA publish our response to the consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England.
Call for evidence launched on Ofgem and net zero
The Industry and Regulators Committee has published a call for evidence for its new inquiry into Ofgem and net zero.
Member’s Briefing: Wood pellets, chips significantly reduce GHG emissions compared to heating oil, study shows
The Prince of Wales opens pioneering green CO₂ capture facility
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales opened J V Energen’s newly installed CO2 capture facility near the Duchy of Cornwall’s Poundbury development.
Biomass Strategy: Call for Evidence – REA Response
REA response to the call for evidence
Consultation on Recycling Consistency
Defra recently published the long awaited consultation on Consistency in household and business recycling in England. This is the third of the Resources and Waste Strategy consultations.
REA submits response to Scottish Heat in Buildings Strategy consultation
This resource item contains our response to the Scottish Government consultation on their draft Heat in Buildings Strategy
REA submits response to RTFO consultation
This item includes the REA’s response to the DFT consultation ‘Targeting Net Zero – Next steps for the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation’
REA Response: ‘Best Available Techniques’: a future regime within the UK
REA Response to DEFRA consultation
REA consultation response: River Basin Management Plan – Improving Storage and Application
The REA has published their response to the consultation on the River Basin Management Plan, aimed at improving storage and application.
Members Briefing – Government Biomass Strategy Call for Evidence
Members Briefing on the Government’s Biomass Strategy Call for Evidence
Scottish Government’s second consultation on banning oxo-degradables and specific single-use plastics
EA Waste to Energy BAT and Permit Consultation
Draft Waste Incineration BAT Conclusions Interpretation Document, Environment Agency permit templates and Regulation 61 notice.
Gasification and Pyrolysis Working Group Meeting
Scottish Government launch £70m fund to improve recycling
The Scottish Government have launched the £70m Recycling Improvement Fund to improve recycling infrastructure across Scotland.
Consultation opens on the Waste Prevention Programme for England
Defra has opened a consultation on “the Waste Prevention Programme for England: Towards a Resource Efficient Economy.” It sets out priorities for waste management.
REA Response to BEIS Consultation on Further policy design proposals for the Clean Heat Grant
The REA has responded to the governments most recent consultation on further policy design proposals for the Clean Heat Grant.
Final Red Diesel consultation outcome published
HM Treasury has published the final outcome of the consultation on reforms to the tax treatment of red diesel and other rebated fuels.
REA Response to Call for Evidence on Enabling a High Renewable, Net Zero Electricity System
Draft REA Response to BEIS Call for Evidence: Enabling a High Renewable, Net Zero Electricity System