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Green Heat Network Fund launched: relevance to biogas/syngas and biomass
A new item about the newly launched Green Heat Network Fund
Member’s Briefing – National Audit Office Publishes Green Homes Grant Voucher Scheme Report
The National Audit Office (NAO) has published a report examining the performance and implementation of the Green Home Grant (GHG) Voucher Scheme.
Member’s Briefing – Green Heat Network Fund & National Comprehensive Assessment
BEIS have officially announced the Green Heat Network Fund, here’s all you need to know.
Applications Open for Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund
BEIS has opened the £160 million Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund for applications.
Members Briefing – A Summary of Government, Trade Union and Trade Body Policies on Covid-19
This summary details how government departments and regulators that often work with the renewables industry are responding to the Covid-19 crisis, and also gives information on how major trade unions and trade bodies are providing support to members.
BEIS Launches New Competitions under Net Zero Innovation Portfolio
BEIS have announced a £40 million Red Diesel Replacement (RDR) competition to support the development of low carbon alternatives to red diesel.
REA response to Consultation on FIT replacement generating equipment
REA Response: Business Rate Consultation on 3-Year Revaluation Cycles
REA Response to HM Treasury Business Rate Consultation
Industry of Future Programme (IFP) Launched
BEIS have announced an Industry of Future Programme (IFP).
Ofgem Publishes Domestic RHI Annual Report
Ofgem has published the domestic RHI’s final annual report at the close of the scheme.
REA list of Government funding schemes and competitions
The REA has compiled a list of Government funding schemes and competitions to reach decarbonisation goals.
New Study on Greenhouse Gas emissions savings from AD
REA member Malaby Biogas and Bath University has published research on emissions savings for the AD system at Bore Hill Farm.
Green Gas Support Scheme: Budget Management
BEIS have published a document setting out how they intend to manage the budget under the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS).
Covid Test and Trace Compliance in the workplace – Exemption Guidance
Government has published advice on critical situations where employees maybe exempt from following self-isolation rules
BEIS Announced Opening Date for Phase 2 of the Public Sector Low Carbon Skills Fund
BEIS have announcing opening dates for Phase 2 of the Public Sector Low Carbon Skills Fund
Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan 2021: Heat Briefing
BEIS have published their Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan 2021. Here’s the key heat actions.
Member’s Brief: MCS Biomass Maintenance Standard
Here’s everything you need to know about the new MCS Biomass Maintenance Standard
Member’s Brief: Future Energy Scenarios
The REA’s briefing on National Grid’s Future Energy Scenarios (FES). The FES outlines four pathways for the future of energy between now and 2050.
European Commission Releases Fit for 55 Decarbonisation Plan
The key documents of the Fit for 55 plan, including a brief summary of their contents
Future Energy Scenarios: Biomass Takeaways
The National Grid has a release a report entitled “Our Future Energy Scenarios” (FES) outlining four pathways for the future of energy.