IMPORTANT: Fields marked with * are required fields. Please make sure you enter the mandatory information or the application form will not submit.
PC’s running older operating systems and browsers may not be compatible with all aspects of our website. Please contact if you encounter problems.
Select your membership category *
The company details provided in the boxes below will display in the members web listing.
50 words left
Corporate memberships (small and above) will be listed on the REA website directory with the contact details and the profile you have submitted here. If you have alternative details you’d prefer us to use please list those below.
Please tick here if you would prefer not to belisted.
Please add the primary activity within the business from the dropdown then choose other business activities the company is involved in.
Please choose the business areas your company is involved in from the list below
Please add technologies that reflect your companies activities from the list below.
Please add the sectors that your company is involved in. Depending on the membership package, you may choose one (up to associate) or more than one (associate upwards).
Please choose the number of employees in the company
Please choose company turnover from the list
If you have a company logo you would like to appear against your member profile on the website, please select it below.
Allowed images format: JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF. Maximum image size: 1MB
REA members in the Enterprise category or above may join as many member forums as they wish whilst companies in other membership categories are entitled to join only the number specified. Please list the individuals in your company and the member forum(s) they wish to participate in, no limit.
Member Forums
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REA has negotiated a portfolio of business services for members to save you time, money and give you a competitive advantage.
If you wish to opt out of receiving information on these companies please tick heret
REA has developed a range of commercial opportunities. If you’re not responsible for the marketing and advertising budget please let us know who is.
Membership is on a rolling annual basis and renews each year on the anniversary of the month in which a member joined. Any member may terminate membership of the Association by serving notice in writing to the head office no less than three months before the end of any membership year i.e. before October. No refunds will be made in respect of any subscriptions previously paid.
I confirm I agree to adhere to the Association’s Bye-Laws and accept the Terms and Conditions and the REA Privacy Policy.
If you are unable to sign in please click here to re-set your password.
Forgotten password?
PC’s running older operating systems and browsers may not be compatible with all aspects of our website. Please contact if you encounter problems resetting your password.
Visit our membership page for more information on how to join
If you don’t have an account with REA yet, please follow this link to register as a Non REA member
You will then be able to log-in and continue booking your tickets.