News & Blog

(476 results)

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Oct 17, 2019

BBC reports PM to Chair Cabinet Climate Change Committee

BBC reports that the Prime Minister is to Chair a newly-formed Cabinet Committee on Climate Change. Committee first mooted by Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom to the BEIS Committee on 15 October.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Oct 16, 2019

REA comments on MP calling for UK’s largest public charge point operators to become ‘interoperable’

Public letter tweeted from Matt Western MP (Lab), Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Electric VehiclesLetter calls on the UK’s largest public charge point operators to adopt interoperabilityREA comments on letter.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Oct 15, 2019

Government hint at the creation of a cabinet sub-committee on climate change in response to CCC

Earlier this afternoon Andrea Leadsom MP stated that the Government could ‘potentially’ introduce a new cabinet sub-committee on climate change in the Government’s response to the CCC’s annual progress report.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Oct 15, 2019

Government propose simplified planning for energy storage projects

The Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has this morning published proposals for energy storage technologies to be processed via the local planning process at all sizes, rather than proceeding via the National Planning Regime when above a certain size, as is the case with power projects at present.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Oct 11, 2019

Battery, solar exports skyrocket from 2012-2018

The REA and ElectraLink have found that battery storage exports to GB distribution networks rose to nearly 49GWh in 2018, up from 50MWh in 2014.


Prorogation sees Trade and environmentally friendly bills dropped amid Extinction Rebellion protests

On Tuesday evening Parliament was prorogued seeing a number of bills dropped including the Agriculture, Trade and Non-Domestic Ratings Bills.


REA comments on HM Treasury tariff update

REA comments on HM Treasury tariff update.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Sep 26, 2019

REA comments on latest Energy Trends

Earlier today BEIS released the latest Energy Trends statisticsThe release found that coal had reached a record low and that biofuel consumption had increased by 30% on 2018 Q2 figures.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Sep 25, 2019

REA comments on interoperability update

REA comments on leading charging solutions providers signing a letter of intent pledging to open their networks for drivers of electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK through a roaming partnership by the end of 2019

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Sep 20, 2019

REA comments on CfD auction results

The CfD announcement is a landmark moment for the industry, seeing offshore and remote island wind offering clean energy below the projected wholesale cost of electricity, a great achievement.

BLOG - Sep 19, 2019

Delivering on the people’s priorities

Brexit or no Brexit, we’re running out of time to tackle climate change, argues the REA’s Nina Skorupska.


Ministers must commit to 16% bioenergy to safeguard UK energy security

A new report from the UK’s leading renewable energy and clean technology trade association is urging Ministers to commit to 16% of primary energy supply coming from bioenergy by 2032 or risk jeopardising the UK’s energy security.


EA feedback responses from industry on biowaste permits

The EA has provided a summary of the responses that they received from industry concerning a review of permit conditions to improve environmental outcomes.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 22, 2019

REA responds to the Science and Technology Committee’s report on Clean Growth

Earlier today the Science and Technology Committee released their report Clean Growth: Technologies for meeting the UK’s emissions reductions targetsThe REA’s CEO Nina Skorupska submitted written and oral evidence to the session earlier this year.

BLOG - Aug 20, 2019

Regulation Island: Will electric car charging thrive after OLEV intervention?

Pushed out just days before Boris Johnson’s great reshuffle, the UK’s Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) delivered two consultations, two calls for evidence, and a major market announcement – all of which effectively amount to transforming the largely unregulated charging infrastructure sector into a regulated one.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 13, 2019

EA to review all 13 Quality Protocols

Quality Protocols (QPs) are end of waste frameworks, recognised by the Environment Agency and used by industry on a voluntary basis to identify the point at which waste, having been fully recovered, may be regarded as a non-waste product. This means the waste derived material can be used in specified markets without the need for waste regulation controls.

NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Aug 12, 2019

REA comment on doubling of on-street residential EV charging fund

Transport Secretary doubles the size of the On-street Residential Charging Fund by adding an extra £2.5mFund helps Local Authorities install charging infrastructure on-streetEmbargoed Department for Transport press release below.

BLOG - Aug 9, 2019

Keep it clean – A composters guide to household garden waste

Since 2017 the UK has been swept up in the Blue Planet effect. A grass roots revolution sparked by one infamous episode has seen awareness of plastics in the ocean sky rocket and contributed to the use of single-use plastic bags in major supermarkets dropping by a third in the past year.