(514 results)
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Dec 17, 2019
REA comments on Ofgem’s RIIO ED2 Framework for distribution networks
Ofgem releases part of the framework for the RIIO-2 Price Control for distribution networks
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Dec 16, 2019
REA comments on Sandbag’s Playing with Fire Report
REA comments on Sandbag’s Playing with Fire Report
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Dec 13, 2019
REA comments General Election Result
REA comments on 2019 General Election result
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Nov 29, 2019
REA comments on Labour’s ‘Regional Manifestos’
Labour are right to deliver region specific manifestos and pathways when it comes to implementing their Green Industrial Revolution. Transitioning to a Net Zero economy cannot be a one size fits all approach.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Nov 28, 2019
A cross-sector coalition is calling for a post-election pact on Net Zero ahead of the world’s first televised climate debate
An open letter signed by over 40 academics, policy specialists, trade bodies and businesses has called upon major political parties to agree to a post-election pact on climate change.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Nov 28, 2019
Open letter to party leaders: Post – election pact on climate change
We the undersigned believe that urgent action is required to ensure that the UK meets our Net Zero targets and continues to lead the way on the international stage.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Nov 22, 2019
REA comments on Party Manifestos
The REA welcomes the Green Party’s policy announcement today, to appoint a Carbon Chancellor. They have identified a weak link in the UK’s ambitions to decarbonise the country; the Treasury.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Nov 21, 2019
Ofgem TCR decision to undermine renewables deployment and grid flexibility
Ofgem has today released its final decision on the Targeted Charging Review (TCR), which, in the view of the REA, will undermine subsidy-free renewable power deployment and reduce investment in ‘flexible’ energy technologies.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Nov 18, 2019
REA comments on Labour’s ‘Climate Apprenticeships’
The REA wholeheartedly welcomes Labour’s announcement to dedicate an apprenticeship scheme to climate change specific jobs and, in particular, the focus on upskilling existing workers.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Nov 14, 2019
REA comments on the Green Party’s ‘Carbon Chancellor’ announcement
The REA welcomes the Green Party’s policy announcement today, to appoint a Carbon Chancellor. They have identified a weak link in the UK’s ambitions to decarbonise the country; the Treasury.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Nov 13, 2019
Britain ranks second to last for power system flexibility in review of nine leading European countries-REA Report
Britain ranks eighth out of nine northern European countries in attracting and facilitating investment in electricity system flexibility, a new industry report finds
Opposition to renewables hits an all-time low in the run up to the ‘climate election’
The latest public attitudes tracker published today has found that opposition to renewables has hit an all-time low. This comes just over a month before what has been deemed by opposition parties as the ‘climate change election’.
REA comments on Labour’s ‘zero carbon standard’ for new all homes
Labour announce plans to introduce a ‘zero carbon standard’ for all new homes in the UK.
REA outlines five manifesto pledges essential to achieving Net Zero
In advance of the upcoming election, the REA is urging all political parties to adopt five manifesto pledges or risk missing the UK’s legally binding Net Zero targets.
BLOG - Oct 31, 2019
Securing power should be a cross-party priority this election
As heat and transport are being electrified, and coal and much nuclear capacity are due to come offline, parties should be debating how to bring forward new generation in the next parliament.
BLOG - Oct 30, 2019
Making Sense of the Ofgem Guidance on Supplying Electricity to Chargepoints and EVs
Negative emissions (sometimes also referred to as Greenhouse Gas Removals or GGRs) are achieved when we remove carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Oct 24, 2019
REA comments on Labour’s Thirty by 2030 report
Earlier this morning the Labour Party released their report Thirty by 2030. The report outlines thirty recommendations to reach Net Zero by 2030, a target recently set by the Labour Party.
NEWS & PRESS RELEASES - Oct 24, 2019
Report: ‘flexibility’ crucial for Net Zero but regulator pushing ahead with damaging reforms
The REA Launches its new Flexible Futures Report, urging for the deployment of flexible energy technologies with a focus on action required from energy regulator Ofgem as the role of distribution networks is highlighted.