The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology has been representing the biomass heat sector since 2001. The REA members forum for biomass heat is called the ‘Wood Heat Forum’. It was formerly the Wood Heat Association a wholly owned subsidiary of the REA, but in October 2020 became a Forum and formally part of the REA.
Biomass for heat is one of the most cost-effective forms of low carbon energy. The modern wood and biomass heating industry mainly uses processed fuel (such as wood pellet or wood chip) in highly efficient stoves and boilers, that typically deliver heat via water-based central heating or district heating system to a building or collection of buildings. Biomass can provide space heating, hot water, and high-grade heat for industrial processes.
Biomass is a renewable resource, which used responsibly, is sustainable as it grows back. Moreover, energy from biomass (bioenergy) is crucially important to limit global climate change through the displacement of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels add carbon into the live carbon cycle, whereas biomass is already a part of the live carbon cycle. So as long as forests are managed sustainably, biomass can deliver significant greenhouse gas savings.
About the REA Wood Heat Forum
The Wood Heat Forum brings together wood fuel suppliers, biomass boiler and stove manufacturers, installers and distributors, energy companies and developers. It also benefits from members of the wider REA.
We support our members across the UK by providing newsletters, briefings, technical advice, updates on policy and responding to consultations on your behalf. As well as listening to and tackling your concerns through regular engagement with civil servants, politicians and regulators. We also represent your interests when sitting on external forums such as the HETAS Approved Biomass Maintenance Scheme (HABMS) Advisory Group and Biomass Suppliers List (BSL) Advisory Panel.
The Wood Heat Forum is governed by a steering committee
Terence McCracken – Innasol Ltd (Chair)
Alexander Franklin – Ranheat Engineering Ltd
Amy Fielding – Environmental Compliance Solutions Limited
Bruno Berardelli – AMP Clean Energy
Julian Morgan-Jones – South East Wood Fuels Ltd
Mark Lebus – LC Energy
Michael Johnson – Talbotts Biomass Energy System
Mike Ingoldby – Bowland Bioenergy Ltd
Richard Dalley – DC2 Engineering
Thomas Wilkins – NFU Energy
For information about joining the Wood Heat Forum please contact
Our Work
Over the years the WHA and WHF have have worked hard on behalf of industry to tackle many issues, for example: we helped design the RHI and get it established for industry, acted as key industry engagement advocates during reforms to the RHI, pushed for standards within the industry, ensured biomass was included on the energy savings material list for zero-rated VAT, made sure biomass was supported on the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) and Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), and made representations to the Biomass Strategy.
We continue to work hard for all our members on different aspects impacting the industry – whether that’s metering or maintenance, or advocating for better support mechanisms for the sector.
Our most recent workstreams are focusing on air quality and sustainability. We are developing evidence-backed materials to help dispel myths and combat the negative press industry often faces in these areas. Our briefings will be shared with government and will highlight how modern biomass boilers are a sophisticated, low emission sustainable heat source, which can play a valuable role in decarbonising the heat sector.
Some of our publicly available work is featured below. Join us as a member to get full access to all of our briefings, presentations and consultation responses.
Wood Heat Conference
We host an annual Wood Heat Conference, which brings together many stakeholders from across the wood heat industry to discuss the most pressing issues facing our sector and hear about the latest innovations.
Whether you’re a member or non-member, we would be delighted to welcome you – more information coming soon.
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