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Member Forums

(1057 results)

EU Releases Series of Reports on Heat Decarbonisation

Jun 17, 2022

EU Releases Series of Reports on Heat Decarbonisation

The European Commission has published four studies that look at the decarbonisation of heating.

Final REA consultation response on Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Mandate

Jun 16, 2022

Final REA consultation response on Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Mandate

The REA has published our final response to the Government consultation on the policy design of a zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate.

CIWEM long-term bioresources strategy & survey

Jun 16, 2022

CIWEM long-term bioresources strategy & survey

The CIWEM requests engagement on survey to develop a long-term bioresources strategy to 2050.

REA’s discussion paper on financial support for hydrogen blending into the gas network

Jun 14, 2022

REA’s discussion paper on financial support for hydrogen blending into the gas network

The REA has produced a paper on financial support for hydrogen blending, you can download the full paper here.

BEIS Electrolytic Hydrogen Working Group Slides

Jun 13, 2022

BEIS Electrolytic Hydrogen Working Group Slides

REA staff recently attended a  BEIS Electrolytic Hydrogen Working Group. Please find the slides from the meeting here.

Hydrogen Market Engagement Workshop Q&A

Jun 13, 2022

Hydrogen Market Engagement Workshop Q&A

REA staff recently attended a series of BEIS market engagement workshops on the Hydrogen Business Model and Net Zero Hydrogen Fund electrolytic allocation round where we provided feedback to help shape the design of the first allocation round.

REA Response: Green Gas Support Scheme 2022 Annual Tariff Review: call for evidence

Jun 13, 2022

REA Response: Green Gas Support Scheme 2022 Annual Tariff Review: call for evidence

The REA has submitted it’s official response to the Green Gas Support Scheme’s annual tariff review call for evidence.

REA respond to Ofgem Call for Input: Future of local energy institutions and governance

Jun 13, 2022

REA respond to Ofgem Call for Input: Future of local energy institutions and governance

The case for smaller on-site biogas plants for Government

Jun 8, 2022

The case for smaller on-site biogas plants for Government

This item includes notes from FoodChains on the role of smaller scale, on-site biogas plants and why they should be supported

REA draft response: Environmental Targets Consultation

Jun 8, 2022

REA draft response: Environmental Targets Consultation

REA draft response to Defra consultation on Environmental Targets

Link to NUTRICAS tool: analysis of different digestate biorefinery systems

Jun 7, 2022

Link to NUTRICAS tool: analysis of different digestate biorefinery systems

Link to NUTRICAS tool, which calculates and and cost estimation of different digestate biorefinery systems for recovery of nutrients, organic matter, water.

REA Response to Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme Call for Evidence

Jun 6, 2022

REA Response to Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme Call for Evidence

The latest draft response is now available.

Environment Agency’s Landspreading Guidance available for feedback

May 31, 2022

Environment Agency’s Landspreading Guidance available for feedback

The Environment Agency has published its reformatted landspreading guidance for feedback, until 19th August.

Scottish circular economy consultations published: 2025 Route Map and Circular Economy Bill

May 31, 2022

Scottish circular economy consultations published: 2025 Route Map and Circular Economy Bill

Scottish Government publishes circular economy consultations: 2025 Route Map, and Circular Economy Bill to bring forward primary legislation.

Draft REA response to ZEV mandate consultation

May 30, 2022

Draft REA response to ZEV mandate consultation

Draft REA response to zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate consultation

Presentations from member meeting with BEIS on the Hydrogen Investment Package

May 30, 2022

Presentations from member meeting with BEIS on the Hydrogen Investment Package

Thanks to all who joined our meeting with BEIS on the Hydrogen Investment Package today. Please see the slides here

BEIS Publishes Minor Amendment to GGSS Regulations

May 30, 2022

BEIS Publishes Minor Amendment to GGSS Regulations

BEIS have laid in parliament a couple of minor technical amendments to the GGSS regulations under the negative SI procedure.

Report: Decarbonising Transport: Enabling local energy solutions

May 23, 2022

Report: Decarbonising Transport: Enabling local energy solutions