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Member Forums

(1057 results)

Scottish Resource Management Sites Supported through COVID-19 Adaption Grants

Oct 29, 2020

Scottish Resource Management Sites Supported through COVID-19 Adaption Grants

Zero Waste Scotland have announced that Scottish resource management sites have been supported through COVID-19 adaption grants, confirmed at £820,000.

Study on the Impact of Compost and Cover Crops on Soil Carbon Sequestration

Oct 29, 2020

Study on the Impact of Compost and Cover Crops on Soil Carbon Sequestration

Tautges & Chiartas et al. (2019) have published a study looking at the impact of compost and cover crops on soil carbon sequestration.

Industry Emission Standards (BAT) post-Brexit

Oct 29, 2020

Industry Emission Standards (BAT) post-Brexit

DEFRA have published advice on how Industry Emission Standards, or the UK’s Best Available Techniques (BAT) will apply from January 1st 2021.

Draft REA Response to Call for Evidence on New Technologies in the Capacity Market

Oct 29, 2020

Draft REA Response to Call for Evidence on New Technologies in the Capacity Market

Wood Heat 2020 Conference

Oct 28, 2020

Wood Heat 2020 Conference

Wood Heat 2020 Presentations

REA Full Response to the Fundamental Review on Business Rates Consultation

Oct 28, 2020

REA Full Response to the Fundamental Review on Business Rates Consultation

REA Response to Treasury Fundamental Review to Business Rates

EV Forum – Agenda for Meeting 26th November

Oct 28, 2020

EV Forum – Agenda for Meeting 26th November

Agenda for EV Forum meeting on 26 November 2020

Updates on FIT equipment replacement issue

Oct 22, 2020

Updates on FIT equipment replacement issue

This news item includes the latest updates on the issue of replacing engines under the Feed-In Tariff Scheme

EU launches their Methane Strategy

Oct 22, 2020

EU launches their Methane Strategy

This news item includes updates from the Commission on the launch of their Strategy to reduce methane emissions

EV Forum – October 2020 Member Newsletter

Oct 20, 2020

EV Forum – October 2020 Member Newsletter

EV Forum – Newsletter October 2020

Members-Briefing – Government response to CCC 2020 report to Parliament

Oct 16, 2020

Members-Briefing – Government response to CCC 2020 report to Parliament

Fair Treatment for Home Energy Storage – Draft Briefing for Member Feedback

Oct 16, 2020

Fair Treatment for Home Energy Storage – Draft Briefing for Member Feedback

Briefing by the REA and members on the uses of domestic energy storage, with a call for policy changes on VAT and incentives.

REA draft response to Green Gas Levy consultation

Oct 16, 2020

REA draft response to Green Gas Levy consultation

This resource item includes the REA’s draft response to BEIS consultation on a Green Gas Levy

Presentations from REA Biogas Forum held on 14 October

Oct 16, 2020

Presentations from REA Biogas Forum held on 14 October

This news item includes the presentations delivered at the recent REA Biogas Forum meeting

International Waste Shipments – Consented Shipments between GB and EU

Oct 16, 2020

International Waste Shipments – Consented Shipments between GB and EU

The EA details the agreements it has obtained from EU Member States for the continuation of consented waste shipments from GB to the EU after January 2021.

The Waste Regulations 2020 – Scottish Transposition of EC Circular Economy Package

Oct 16, 2020

The Waste Regulations 2020 – Scottish Transposition of EC Circular Economy Package

The Waste Regulations 2020 have been laid before the Scottish Parliament, including the transposition of the EC’s CEP into Scottish waste legislation.

Meeting Notes from RTFF meeting (07/10/20)

Oct 14, 2020

Meeting Notes from RTFF meeting (07/10/20)

Member of the REA Biocow relaunches as Adapt Biogas and unveils UK expansion plan

Oct 5, 2020

Member of the REA Biocow relaunches as Adapt Biogas and unveils UK expansion plan

This news item include a press release from member of the REA Biogas Forum who has recently launched a new website, logo and rebranded