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Member Forums

(1057 results)

REA submits recommendations to Ofgem on the administration of the future GGSS

Oct 5, 2020

REA submits recommendations to Ofgem on the administration of the future GGSS

This item includes the recommendations submitted by the REA to Ofgem on how they should operate the future Green Gas Support Scheme

Red Diesel Consultation: REA Response

Oct 2, 2020

Red Diesel Consultation: REA Response

The REA have responded to HM Treasury’s consultation on red diesel entitlement by calling for waste management sector (specifically organics recycling) to retain the entitlement.

WRAP Publish Food Waste Reduction Report 2020

Oct 1, 2020

WRAP Publish Food Waste Reduction Report 2020

WRAP’s recently published Food Waste Reduction Roadmap Progress Report 2020 outlines progress made in the second year of their Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.

Carbon Metric Report on Scotland’s Waste

Oct 1, 2020

Carbon Metric Report on Scotland’s Waste

Carbon Metric report published by Zero Waste Scotland, measuring the carbon footprint of waste in Scotland for the years 2017-2018.

EU Food Waste Briefing

Oct 1, 2020

EU Food Waste Briefing

Food waste briefing published by the EC to serve as independent evidence for EU policy.

EA Temporarily Suspends Definition of Waste Service

Oct 1, 2020

EA Temporarily Suspends Definition of Waste Service

The Environmental Agency has suspended its Definition of Waste (DoW) service until at least the 1st of January 2021.

REA Response to ENA Flexibility Consultation

Oct 1, 2020

REA Response to ENA Flexibility Consultation

EV Forum – Final Roaming Working Group Output

Oct 1, 2020

EV Forum – Final Roaming Working Group Output

EV Forum – Final Roaming Working Group Outputs

Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 – REA Response

Sep 30, 2020

Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 – REA Response

EV Forum – Transport for Wales Rapid Charging Tender Questionnaire & Response

Sep 29, 2020

EV Forum – Transport for Wales Rapid Charging Tender Questionnaire & Response

EV Forum – TfW rapid charging tender questionnaire & response

EV Forum – Notes from full meeting 10 September 2020

Sep 29, 2020

EV Forum – Notes from full meeting 10 September 2020

EV Forum – Notes from general meeting on 10th September 2020

REA Draft Response to ENA Flexibility Consultation

Sep 25, 2020

REA Draft Response to ENA Flexibility Consultation

EA Letter to Regulatory Stakeholders

Sep 25, 2020

EA Letter to Regulatory Stakeholders

A letter from the EA to regulatory stakeholders on their permitting services and changes to the COVID Regulatory Position Statements.

REA member briefing on BEIS proposals on a Green Gas Levy

Sep 23, 2020

REA member briefing on BEIS proposals on a Green Gas Levy

Read here our member only briefing on BEIS proposals on a Green Gas Levy on gas suppliers

EV Forum – Spending Review Drafts & Final Submission

Sep 21, 2020

EV Forum – Spending Review Drafts & Final Submission

Draft REA EV Forum – Spending Review Submission for Review

Waste Management Plan for England Consultation

Sep 18, 2020

Waste Management Plan for England Consultation

Defra have published a consulation on the Waste Management for England. The plan is a compilation of existing waste management policies and does not introduce new waste management measures.

Engine replacement under the Feed-In Tariff Scheme: the current stance from Ofgem

Sep 18, 2020

Engine replacement under the Feed-In Tariff Scheme: the current stance from Ofgem

This item includes the current stance on engine replacement under FITs from Ofgem

Slides and Notes from Longer-Duration Electricity Storage Meeting 26.08.20

Sep 17, 2020

Slides and Notes from Longer-Duration Electricity Storage Meeting 26.08.20