• Labour must immediately reaffirm the UK’s commitment to green targets and global leadership, to reassure markets and attract investment. 
  • Early momentum and clear guidance will galvanise the sector following a period of uncertainty. 
  • Policy steps could and should go further – the industry is ready to hit the ground running, to create jobs, increase skills and support the growth of the UK economy. 


The REA (Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology) has welcomed the general election result announcing a Labour victory. Together with our members, we want to help the UK transition to a 100% renewable energy and clean technology system by 2050, ensuring our sector can contribute to the Government’s energy goals and to meet our net zero targets. The REA stands ready to support Labour’s new ministerial teams to overcome the policy blockages that are derailing the UK’s ability to meet these targets.    

The REA encourages the party to be bolder and more ambitious to fully seize the opportunities afforded by the energy transition, and implement every measure in the REA’s recently published First 100 Days report. The industry is demanding action and clarity to hit the ground running after a period of uncertainty, to address the grid and route-to-market barriers – issues that will also impact GB Energy’s success, if not addressed quickly.  


Trevor Hutchings, CEO of the REA (Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology), said: 

“We’re pleased to see an incoming Labour administration committed to clean growth and energy decarbonisation.    

We would encourage Sir Keir and his team to galvanise a sector that can boost the UK economy and achieve his target of the highest growth in the G7. Recent research suggests that the previous Governments’ cuts in renewables and clean technology investment over the last decade has added £22bn to UK energy bills. Investing in our sector can mitigate against rising energy costs, improve energy security, create jobs and growth, improve international competitiveness and help address climate change.   

The impacts of climate change are already being felt around the world and the longer we delay the higher the costs of addressing it become. We will also miss out in the global race for investment and talent in the technologies of the future.   

The REA is challenging this administration to be bold and quickly seize this opportunity.”