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Member Forums

(1083 results)

DES NZ Call for evidence on the future policy framework for allocation of the Low Carbon Hydrogen Agreement (LCHA)

Jul 28, 2023

DES NZ Call for evidence on the future policy framework for allocation of the Low Carbon Hydrogen Agreement (LCHA)

REA Members Update: EGL Receives Royal Assent

Jul 28, 2023

REA Members Update: EGL Receives Royal Assent

Latest update on the Electricity Generator Levy

REA Members Briefing: Headline Figures from DUKES 2023

Jul 28, 2023

REA Members Briefing: Headline Figures from DUKES 2023

Latest figures from the Digest of UK Energy Statistics 2023

Members Briefing: Retail Market Reviews- Government announcements

Jul 28, 2023

Members Briefing: Retail Market Reviews- Government announcements

Overview of Government Documents Published around the Energy Retail Market Review

Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England

Jul 26, 2023

Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England

Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England.

REA Response: National Grid ESO’s Consultation on Connections Reform

Jul 26, 2023

REA Response: National Grid ESO’s Consultation on Connections Reform

REA Response: Strategy and Policy Statement on Energy Policy in Great Britain

Jul 25, 2023

REA Response: Strategy and Policy Statement on Energy Policy in Great Britain

REA EV Infrastructure Report

Jul 19, 2023

REA EV Infrastructure Report

Guidance note on soil carbon

Jul 19, 2023

Guidance note on soil carbon

The British Society of Soil Science have published a guidance note for land managers on soil carbon, on definitions and measurement.

EU Green deal package includes soil health and food waste

Jul 19, 2023

EU Green deal package includes soil health and food waste

EU Green deal package includes soil health and food waste

REA respond to consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028

Jul 18, 2023

REA respond to consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028

The REA have responded to a Defra consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028.

REA’s Members Briefing: National Grid ESO Future Energy Scenarios 2023

Jul 13, 2023

REA’s Members Briefing: National Grid ESO Future Energy Scenarios 2023

DESNZ support for energy bills could benefit REA members

Jul 13, 2023

DESNZ support for energy bills could benefit REA members

DESNZ support for energy bills could benefit REA members.

Member Briefing: Government Response to the Considerations for Future CfD Rounds

Jul 12, 2023

Member Briefing: Government Response to the Considerations for Future CfD Rounds

Members Briefing: Government Response – Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS)

Jul 7, 2023

Members Briefing: Government Response – Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS)

Review of Government Response to the development of the UK ETS

Update on maize seed dressing

Jul 4, 2023

Update on maize seed dressing

UK regulations will prohibit the import of maize seed treated with widely-used chemicals from Europe. This has the potential to impact bioenergy production and the AD sector.

Slides from REMA Conference and Report Launch

Jun 30, 2023

Slides from REMA Conference and Report Launch

REA Response to Consultation: Market Engagement for the Second Hydrogen Allocation Round

Jun 30, 2023

REA Response to Consultation: Market Engagement for the Second Hydrogen Allocation Round