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Member Forums

(1083 results)

REA Member Non-Executive Director Board Election Becky Wheeler

Aug 29, 2023

REA Member Non-Executive Director Board Election Becky Wheeler

REA Member Non-Executive Director Board Election Martin Wright

Aug 29, 2023

REA Member Non-Executive Director Board Election Martin Wright

REA Responses: Energy Security and Net Zero Commons Select Committee Inquiries

Aug 25, 2023

REA Responses: Energy Security and Net Zero Commons Select Committee Inquiries

REA Draft Response to Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee EV Inquiry

Aug 24, 2023

REA Draft Response to Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee EV Inquiry

Solar & Energy Storage Forum Member Meeting – 29th June 2023: Minutes and Slides

Aug 21, 2023

Solar & Energy Storage Forum Member Meeting – 29th June 2023: Minutes and Slides

EA consultation on methane capture

Aug 18, 2023

EA consultation on methane capture

EA have published a consultation on a new standard rules permit for operators to collect and store biogas from a lagoon or tank and upgrade that biogas to biomethane.

REA response to the price-based allocation for the Low Carbon Hydrogen Agreement (LCHA) call for evidence

Aug 15, 2023

REA response to the price-based allocation for the Low Carbon Hydrogen Agreement (LCHA) call for evidence

DES NZ Green Jobs Delivery Group survey – Biomethane

Aug 15, 2023

DES NZ Green Jobs Delivery Group survey – Biomethane

REA Member Briefing: Government Biomass Strategy 2023

Aug 10, 2023

REA Member Briefing: Government Biomass Strategy 2023

Full members briefing of the Government’s Biomass Strategy

WRAP report on plastics in composts and digestates

Aug 10, 2023

WRAP report on plastics in composts and digestates

WRAP have published a report looking at plastics in composts and digestates. The project also looked at potential impacts and mitigation.

REA Template: Grid Connections Delay

Aug 9, 2023

REA Template: Grid Connections Delay

REA Member Update: Review of Electricity Networks by the Electricity Networks Commissioner

Aug 4, 2023

REA Member Update: Review of Electricity Networks by the Electricity Networks Commissioner

REA Member Update: Additional Investment for AR5 of the CfD Scheme

Aug 3, 2023

REA Member Update: Additional Investment for AR5 of the CfD Scheme

REA Response to Consultation: Proposed Changes to MCS

Aug 2, 2023

REA Response to Consultation: Proposed Changes to MCS

REA Consultation Response: The Future of the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

Aug 2, 2023

REA Consultation Response: The Future of the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

REA Briefing: Call for Evidence on Introducing Fixed Price Certifications into UK-wide Renewable Obligation Schemes

Aug 2, 2023

REA Briefing: Call for Evidence on Introducing Fixed Price Certifications into UK-wide Renewable Obligation Schemes

Maximising resources, minimising waste programme

Jul 31, 2023

Maximising resources, minimising waste programme

Government have published a new Maximising Resources, Minimising Waste programme. It was previously known as the Waste Prevention Programme for England.

Government response on food waste reporting by large businesses

Jul 31, 2023

Government response on food waste reporting by large businesses

The government has published its response to a consultation on improved food waste reporting by large food businesses in England.