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Member Forums

(1083 results)

REA response to DfE Call for evidence on Developing Biomethane Production in Northern Ireland

Aug 23, 2024

REA response to DfE Call for evidence on Developing Biomethane Production in Northern Ireland

Wood Heat Forum Member Meeting

Aug 22, 2024

Wood Heat Forum Member Meeting

REA Fleet Electrification

Aug 20, 2024

REA Fleet Electrification

REA’s new comprehensive publication for fleet electrification in collaboration with Energy Saving Trust (EST) Electrifying the Fleet: A practical resource for fleet managers.

REA Member Briefing: Ofgem’s Regional Energy Strategic Plan (RESP) Policy Framework Consultation

Aug 16, 2024

REA Member Briefing: Ofgem’s Regional Energy Strategic Plan (RESP) Policy Framework Consultation

On the 30th July 2024 Ofgem released their consultation on the Regional Energy Strategic Plan policy framework, the REA has produced a member briefing on the consultation.

Integrating Greenhouse Gas Removals into the UK Emissions Trading Scheme – REA response

Aug 15, 2024

Integrating Greenhouse Gas Removals into the UK Emissions Trading Scheme – REA response

Following member feedback, the REA has responded to the Integrating Greenhouse Gas Removals into the UK Emissions Trading Scheme consultation.

Environment Agency: R&D Standard Rules Consultation

Aug 8, 2024

Environment Agency: R&D Standard Rules Consultation

The Environment Agency (EA) has opened a public consultation on new standard rules permits for research and development (R&D) at installation. Please contact Claire with any questions or feedback before Friday, the 25th of October to be included in an REA draft response.

UK Plastics Pact Consultations

Aug 7, 2024

UK Plastics Pact Consultations

The UK Plastics Pact has launched two consultations this week, which will run until 5 PM on 12 September 2024. If you have questions or feedback on either consultation please contact Emily Nichols at [email protected].

Proposed changes to the EASR Charging Scheme

Aug 7, 2024

Proposed changes to the EASR Charging Scheme

SEPA has released a consultation for feedback on the proposed charging scheme (here). This consultation will close at midnight on Sunday, the 29th of September. Please submit any feedback or questions on the consultation to Claire at [email protected] by Friday, the 20th of September so REA can develop a draft response.

SEPA’s EASR Consultation Analysis

Aug 7, 2024

SEPA’s EASR Consultation Analysis

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) consulted on their proposed changes to the Environmental Authorisation (Scotland) Regulations (EASR) in January 2024, receiving 63 responses. They recently published their analysis of the consultation responses.

Reminder on Accepting By-Products as Feedstocks

Aug 6, 2024

Reminder on Accepting By-Products as Feedstocks

Because processing plants become wholly responsible for the materials they accept as feedstocks, it is important to always receive confirmation from suppliers that the materials they are providing are, in fact, by-products.

The Role of Enhanced Weathering and Rock Dust-Amended Compost

Aug 6, 2024

The Role of Enhanced Weathering and Rock Dust-Amended Compost

A running briefing summarising any research on enhanced rock weathering or rock-dust amended compost.

Scotland’s Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030: Consultation Response Analysis

Aug 6, 2024

Scotland’s Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030: Consultation Response Analysis

The Scottish Government consulted on their updated ‘Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030’ from January to March of 2024, receiving 156 responses. They recently published their analysis of the consultation responses

Urgent Appeal for Support from Ukraine’s Bioenergy Association (UABIO)

Aug 6, 2024

Urgent Appeal for Support from Ukraine’s Bioenergy Association (UABIO)

In light of continuous Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and the approach of winter, the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABIO) has issued an urgent appeal for assistance.

REA Member Briefing: CMP434 Grid Code Modification

Aug 5, 2024

REA Member Briefing: CMP434 Grid Code Modification

Member briefing on the recent update on the Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) CUSC Modification Proposal (CMP) 434 grid code modification.

REA Response to UK Emissions Trading Scheme Scope Expansion: Waste consultation

Aug 5, 2024

REA Response to UK Emissions Trading Scheme Scope Expansion: Waste consultation

Following member feedback, the REA has responded to the UK Emissions Trading Scheme Scope Expansion: Waste consultation.

REA Member Briefing: Reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework

Aug 2, 2024

REA Member Briefing: Reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework

REA Member Briefing: Revised Budget for CfD AR6

Aug 1, 2024

REA Member Briefing: Revised Budget for CfD AR6

The Government have published a Budget Revision Notice for the sixth Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round. This Notice was published on 30 July 2024 and is a revision of the Budget Notice given by the preceding Secretary of State on 6 March 2024.

Environment Improvement Plan (EIP) Annual Progress Report and Rapid Review

Jul 31, 2024

Environment Improvement Plan (EIP) Annual Progress Report and Rapid Review

Defra published an EIP annual progress report covering April 2023 to March 2024. The report describes actions taken towards the 10 goals, and associated targets, set under the Environment Act 2021.