EA Consultation on R&D Standard Rules Permit
On the 7th of August 2024, The Environment Agency (EA) opened a public consultation on a new standard rules permit for research and development (R&D) at installation. Read the full consultation document here. The consultation closed at midnight on the 30th of October 2024. You can download REA’s response here. If you have questions about our response, please contact Claire at cshipp@r-e-a.net.
Consultation Briefing:
The proposal includes new standard rules to allow operators of existing installations to conduct R&D activities related to the innovation, introduction, and improvement of products and processes associated with their permitted activities. The R&D activities can be conducted for up to six months, with the possibility of extension on a case-by-case basis.
The proposed application charge for the R&D permit is £720 for activities not using waste and £980 for activities using waste. The proposed subsidence charge for each notified R&D activity is £780. There are no proposed charges for permit variations, transfers, or surrender applications.
Operators who wish to undertake R&D activities will need to apply to vary their existing permits to include the new standard rules. Once approved, they can notify the Environment Agency of specific R&D activities without needing further permit variations.
The consultation seeks feedback on whether the proposed standard rules adequately minimize risks to the environment and human health. It also invites views on how these rules and the associated charges will be implemented. The approach may be expanded to other types of regulated facilities depending on the feedback received, the uptake of the new rules, and operational feedback after implementation.