The Government has named Ofgem as the intended administrator of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS), formerly known as the Clean Heat Grant. Ofgem are now seeking views on their proposed administration of the BUS by 27/1/22. The REA has drafted a response and is looking for member feedback.

Download the REA Draft Response Here

Members can read the full consultation here.

Some key questions from the consultation include:

  • Do you agree or disagree with the proposed approach to evidencing existing heating systems? 
  • Do you agree or disagree with installers being the party to provide evidence to Ofgem regarding custom-build properties? 
  • Do you agree that the ‘authorised signatory’ for business accounts should be an individual with legal authority to represent the organisation?
  • Do you agree or disagree that installers should be required to inform property owners about the possibility of audits at the application stage and to confirm this to Ofgem? 
  • Do you agree or disagree with Ofgem’s proposed administration of the right of review? 
  • How frequently would you like Ofgem to publish reports on vouchers issued and available budget? 

Please note this consultation is on the technical administration of the scheme only, rather than any policy aspects of the scheme (i.e. eligibility) that have already been consulted on by BEIS.

If members have any comments on this consultation, or would like to schedule a call to discuss these proposals, please email me at The final deadline for member feedback is the 24th of January.