The REA final responses to BEIS consultations on the Capacity Market: Improving delivery assurance and early action to align with a net-zero call for evidence can be found below.
Links to download the responses and key highlights from them can be found below.
Capacity Market 2021: call for evidence on early action to align with net zero
Summary of our response:
- Proposed that carbon intensity threshold should be set to prioritise clean and renewable technologies, which should be measured by a life cycle assesment of a plant
- Proposed a relationship between carbon-intensity and contract length which would reward low carbon forms of generation
- Raised points around the difficulty of adding new renewable and clean technology to the network via the capacity market and suggested T-unlimited auctions
- Argued for the removal of the 77 month window for new builds, as factors such as grid conection are out of the control of developers
- Supported the concept of low carbon auctions happening before higher carbon-based assets which gives low carbon assets several oppertunities to secure contracts
- Raised awareness of the lack of support for flexibility or other needs that long duration storage can provide (ancillary services).
Further detail can be read in the full responses above. Please contact Freddie Kellett ( if you require any clarification.