We have heard from the industry that some companies are offering by-products as feedstocks for AD processing. Materials have to fit certain criteria to be considered a by-product and not a waste. They are regulated differently from waste materials. Because processing plants become wholly responsible for the materials they accept as feedstocks, it is important to always receive confirmation from suppliers that the materials they are providing are, in fact, by-products. We recommend getting written confirmation of their status.

Understanding if your feedstocks are waste or by-products is relevant for complying with environmental regulations and for complying with incentive scheme requirements. The Environment Agency (EA) has guidance on waste definitions that outlines procedures for determining if a material is a by-product or a waste (here). However, definitions of waste may differ for incentive schemes. It is important to review the guidance for each incentive scheme you are registered for to ensure compliance. We have listed links for some below:

If you have questions about accepting by-products as a feedstock or navigating varying definitions of waste, please contact us.