Aug 06, 2024
biogas, biomass, biomethane, biowaste, Circular Economy, consultation, data, Decarbonising Heat, Decarbonising Power, duty of care, Energy from Waste, food waste, food waste reporting, green skills, household recycling, labeling, net zero, organics, organics recycling, Product Stewardship Plan, recycling, residual waste plan, reuse, Scotland, Scottish Government, Sustainability, targets, waste
Scotland’s Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030: Consultation Response Analysis
The Scottish Government consulted on their updated ‘Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030’ from January to March of 2024, receiving 156 responses. Read REA’s response here.
They recently published their analysis of the consultation responses. Our response is referenced five times in the analysis The Route Map received strong support overall, with 71% to 81% agreement for the proposed actions set out under each strategic aim.
You can read a summary of the key findings relevant to REA members below or the full consultation analysis here. If you have questions about the next steps for the Circular Economy and Waste Route Map to 2030 or this consultation analysis, contact us here.
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