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Over 550 scientists back bioenergy as part of “climate smart” forest management
REA Member Brief – EU Vote on Biomass
MEPs on Sept. 14 voted in favour of proposals for a revised Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII).
REA statement in response to the Power Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage (Power BECCS) consultation
REA Member Briefing on CCC Progress Report to Parliament
The REA has produced a member-only briefing summarising and analysing the CCC’s latest progress report to parliament.
Chancellor urged to invest in energy efficiency measures by REA
Bioenergy “important” to fighting climate change, IPCC scientists say in latest report
REA Briefing on Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS)
The REA has developed a member briefing on the Government’s developing the UK ETS Document.
‘Energy Security Strategy is a chance to deliver an energy future which is independent, secure and stable’
REA welcomes decisions to no longer recognise wood products from Russia and Belarus
Report on the issues of reporting of GHG emissions from ‘waste’
Report by Dominic Hogg on the issues of reporting of GHG emissions from ‘waste’: indicators and inventories.
REA Writes to BEIS Committee on Domestic Heating Decarbonisation Report
Industrial Energy Transformation Fund Phase 2 Spring 2022 – Useful Links
Please see a selection of useful resources on Phase 2 Spring 2022 of the IETF
Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 consultation
New REA Wood Heat Forum Chair: “The biomass heat industry stands ready to deliver massive carbon savings today”
Member Briefing: Biomass Policy Statement
The REA’s policy team have produced a member briefing on the Government’s new Biomass Policy Statement.
REA welcomes Biomass Policy Statement
REA respond to Chatham House Research Paper: Greenhouse gas emissions from burning US-sourced woody biomass in the EU and UK
Member’s Briefing – Scottish Heat in Buildings Strategy
The Scottish Government has published the Heat in Buildings Strategy. Here’s everything REA members need to know.
Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 2 Launched
REA response to call for evidence on the expansion of the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) requirements
The REA has responded to a call for evidence on the expansion of the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) requirements