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Enrich the Earth project on circular economy collaboration launches
Enrich the Earth, a collaborative project between various organic circular economy companies, has now launched.
Government publishes guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants
The Government has published guidance on Slurry Infrastructure grant Round 2 for applicants, and will host a webinar.
Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England
Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee issue Call for Evidence on Government’s Resources & Waste Reforms for England.
Guidance note on soil carbon
The British Society of Soil Science have published a guidance note for land managers on soil carbon, on definitions and measurement.
REA respond to consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028
The REA have responded to a Defra consultation on the near elimination of biodegradable waste disposal in landfill from 2028.
Scottish Government introduce Circular Economy Bill
The Scottish Government have introduced the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill to Parliament, to establish a sustainable transition framework.
REA provide feedback to Defra on industry’s vision for packaging reforms
The REA have provided written feedback to Defra on industry’s vision for packaging reforms (Extended Producer Responsibility).
Reports on safety of compost and digestates
Reports covering the safety of compost and digestates, from WRAP, Zero Waste Scotland, and the European Commission.
REA Proposes Alternative Hydrogen Pathways Policy to DESNZ for Net-Zero Economy
The REA has submitted an alternative hydrogen pathways policy proposal to the Energy Department.
EA guidance on Landspreading to Improve Soil Health
The Environment Agency publish guidance on how to meet requirements of using mobile plant landspreading waste for agricultural benefit.
Compostable Coalition UK announces its advisory board members
REA’s Draft Response to the Scottish Draft Energy Strategy
The REA would like to invite you to provide feedback on our draft response to the Scottish Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan.
SSAC publish Circular Economy Report on evidence and data quality
Scottish Science Advisory Council publish Circular Economy Report on evidence and data quality for Scotland’s bioresource flows.
EFRA publish Call for Evidence on Government’s new Resources & Waste provisional Common Framework
EFRA have published a public Call for Evidence on Government’s new Resources & Waste provisional Common Framework.
Guest Blog: 14 tonnes of compostable packaging – on trial!
Green Gas Support Scheme Member Meeting
Join us on MS Teams at 13:30 on Tuesday 18th of April to discuss the mid-scheme review of the Green Gas Support Scheme with DESNZ
Scottish Government publish consultation on ending the sale of peat
The Scottish Government have published a consultation on ending the sale of peat, firstly for retail horticulture and secondly for professional horticulture.
Defra publish Environmental Improvement Plan (2023)
Defra have published the Environmental Improvement Plan (2023) for England, the first revision of the 25 year Environment Plan.
Defra publish provisional common framework for resources and waste
Defra publish policy document “Resources and waste: provisional common framework”, describing how to work together on devolved policy areas.
EFRA Parliamentary Committee Call for Evidence on Soil Health
The Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Parliamentary Committee have published a Call for Evidence on Soil Health.