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REA welcome the BEIS Select Committee’s new report
REA’s Draft Response to the Scottish Draft Energy Strategy
The REA would like to invite you to provide feedback on our draft response to the Scottish Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan.
REA Responds to UK Low Carbon Hydrogen Certification Scheme Consultation
The REA has submitted its response to the UK Government’s consultation on the Hydrogen Certification Scheme.
REA respond to “Powering up Britain”
REA welcomes Hydrogen Champion Report
REA Hosts Member Meeting on Hydrogen Certification Consultation
The REA hosted a member meeting on the hydrogen certification scheme on 22nd March 2023
Spring Budget 2023: A missed opportunity in attracting low carbon investment
REA welcomes CCC report: Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system
Members Meeting – Hydrogen Certification Consultation
We would like to invite you to our upcoming member meeting on the hydrogen certification scheme, which will be held on 22 March 2023 from 10.00am to 11.30am via Microsoft Teams.
Biomass UK blog: The need-to-knows on biomass
WELTEC BIOPOWER and GTS extend service partnership for UK and Ireland
WELTEC BIOPOWER has extended the successful cooperation with its service partner, Gordons Technical Service Ltd (GTS) from Northern Ireland, until the end of 2026.
REA welcomes Scotland’s ambitious Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan
REA welcomes Labour’s renewable energy priorities
Christmas 2022 Policy Roundup
REA has compiled a list of the pre-Christmas policy announcements put out just before the Government broke for recess.
Renewable investment under threat due to Electricity Generator Levy
REA & Hydrogen UK Publish Report on Hydrogen Blending
Hydrogen UK and the REA have published a report on the benefits of hydrogen blending for the UK.
Hydrogen announcements December 2022
BEIS has today released another series of documents supporting the low carbon hydrogen economy:
REA welcomes news of the Energy Bill driven forward in Parliament
REA’s Hydrogen Economy Conference Presentations
Thank you to all who attended the REA’s hydrogen conference. We trust you found the conference both informative and interesting.
ETRI 2022 – Energy Transition Readiness Index Report
REA’s ETRI report assesses the readiness of 13 European countries for the energy transition, from the perspective of investors, looking at flexibility services that support deployment of renewable power and decarbonisation.