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REA produces six point plan to tackle energy bill crisis
European Commission Release Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Package
The EU Commission has adopted a set of proposals to facilitating the uptake of renewable gases, including hydrogen.
Member Briefing: Biomass Policy Statement
The REA’s policy team have produced a member briefing on the Government’s new Biomass Policy Statement.
October Solar and Energy Storage Forum Member Meeting Slides
On the 28th of October the REA’s Solar and Energy Storage Forum held a member meeting, you can see the slides here.
REA response to the Facilitating the deployment of large-scale and long-duration electricity storage: call for evidence
After feedback from REA members we have completed our response to the Facilitating the deployment of large-scale and long-duration electricity storage: call for evidence.
REA response to Future System Operator Consultation
After feedback from REA members we have completed our Response to Future System Operator Consultation.
REA response to call for evidence on the expansion of the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) requirements
The REA has responded to a call for evidence on the expansion of the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) requirements
BEIS launches a new consultation on the New Energy Infrastructure consultation
REA draft response to Future System Operator Consultation
After feedback from REA members we have completed our first draft Response to Future System Operator Consultation.
REA draft response to the Facilitating the deployment of large-scale and long-duration electricity storage: call for evidence
After feedback from REA members we have completed our first draft response to the Facilitating the deployment of large-scale and long-duration electricity storage: call for evidence.
REA Draft Response to Call for Evidence on the Expansion of the 2009 Carbon Capture Readiness Requirements
After feedback from REA members we have completed our first draft response to the Carbon Capture Readiness Call for Evidence.
UK Hydrogen Strategy launched
The Government has released its long-awaited Hydrogen Strategy, which sets out the key steps to deliver a functioning hydrogen economy.
REA publishes response to Ofgem RTFO/RHI interaction consultation
The REA has submitted its response to Ofgem consultation on further validation requirements for RHI / RTFO interaction (biomethane claims).
New Study on Greenhouse Gas emissions savings from AD
REA member Malaby Biogas and Bath University has published research on emissions savings for the AD system at Bore Hill Farm.
Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition Applications Open
BEIS have published application forms, updated guidance and FAQs on the Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition.
Smart Systems & Flexibility Plan Member’s Brief
The Government has published its updated Smart Systems & Flexibility Plan (SSFP). Here’s a comprehensive list of commitments
Member’s Brief: Future Energy Scenarios
The REA’s briefing on National Grid’s Future Energy Scenarios (FES). The FES outlines four pathways for the future of energy between now and 2050.
Future Energy Scenarios: Biomass Takeaways
The National Grid has a release a report entitled “Our Future Energy Scenarios” (FES) outlining four pathways for the future of energy.
New Fuel Switching Competition
The REA attended a meeting run by BEIS on a new potential Industrial Fuel Switching Competition similar to the one they had in 2015-2020.
Hydrogen Funding: Current and Future Opportunities
Overview of current and future funding opportunities for Hydrogen