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Simpler Recycling reforms published
Government have published their post consultation response on Simpler Recycling (previously known as Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England). The response includes the planned implementation dates.
Government response on food waste reporting by large businesses
The government has published its response to a consultation on improved food waste reporting by large food businesses in England.
Consultation on Recycling Consistency
Defra recently published the long awaited consultation on Consistency in household and business recycling in England. This is the third of the Resources and Waste Strategy consultations.
WRAP Publish Food Waste Reduction Report 2020
WRAP’s recently published Food Waste Reduction Roadmap Progress Report 2020 outlines progress made in the second year of their Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.
EU Food Waste Briefing
Food waste briefing published by the EC to serve as independent evidence for EU policy.
WRAP report looking at food waste during lockdown
WRAP have published a report looking at citizens and food during lockdown. Findings show that people are managing food better leading to a reduction in food waste.
Environment Bill re-introduced to Parliament
A news item about the re-introduction of the Environment Bill