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Member briefing on ongoing discussions with Government around bio-CO2 capture and supply from green gas plants
This briefing provides a summary of how the discussions have progressed since the REA submitted evidence to BEIS from our members about bio-CO2 capture at green gas plants
European Commission Release Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Package
The EU Commission has adopted a set of proposals to facilitating the uptake of renewable gases, including hydrogen.
Briefing: Future Building Standard Government Response
An REA briefing on the actions taken as part of the government response to the Future Buildings Standard Consultation
GGCS named as Approved Certification Scheme for evidencing green gas supply
REA Member briefing – COP 26 Outcomes
REA Member briefing – COP 26 Outcomes What did we expect from COP? The REA were Official Observers to COP26 and present in Glasgow for the full two weeks, attending numerous plenaries, negotiations, side events, informal meetings and member events. Most of the UK Government’s COP26 related domestic policy changes actually happened in the run […]
BEIS Launch Green Home Finance Accelerator
BEIS have launched a new £10m Green Homes Finance Accelerator (GHFA).
Member’s REA Briefing – Net Zero Strategy and HM Treasury Net Zero Review
REA members briefing where we have summarised key highlights from the BEIS Net Zero Strategy and the Treasury Net Zero Review.
Member’s Briefing – BEIS Net Zero Policy Announcements Document Links
The REA has collated all of the BEIS policy announcements, consultations and research papers concerning the Net Zero Strategy and Heat and Building Strategy in one place.
Member’s Briefing – Heat and Building Strategy
A full REA briefing where we have summarised key highlights from the Heat and Building Strategy and other policy documents released alongside.
Member’s Briefing – Scottish Heat in Buildings Strategy
The Scottish Government has published the Heat in Buildings Strategy. Here’s everything REA members need to know.
Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 2 Launched
REA response to call for evidence on the expansion of the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) requirements
The REA has responded to a call for evidence on the expansion of the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) requirements
WRAP publish Roadmap for the Organics Sector
WRAP have published their Roadmap for the Organics Sector, aiming to ensure that the sector maintains trust as a valuable waste treatment option.
BEIS Industry of Future – Scoping Study is now live
The Industry of Future programme (IFP) Scoping study has been extended to 12 noon, 30 September 2021.
Government Releases Cooling in the UK Study
The Government has published a Cooling in the UK Study today.
Member’s Briefing – Cabinet reshuffle sees Greg Hands become BEIS Energy minister
Member’s Briefing – Cabinet reshuffle sees Greg Hands become BEIS Energy minister
ENA agreed gas bottle changed procedure for biomethane producers
The ENA has published a document on bottle change procedure.
Industrial decarbonisation grid: a summary of funds available to decarbonise industry
The REA heat policy team has put together an Industrial Decarbonisation Grid. This grid covers all financial schemes affecting Industrial decarbonisation as of September 2021.
GGSS and GGL regulations laid in Parliament
GGSS and GGL regulations were laid in parliament on 9th September
Member’s Briefing – National Audit Office Publishes Green Homes Grant Voucher Scheme Report
The National Audit Office (NAO) has published a report examining the performance and implementation of the Green Home Grant (GHG) Voucher Scheme.