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SR2023 No1
Te EA published a new standard rules permit to capture, treat and store biogas from lagoons and tanks (SR2023 No1).
Partial RHI/RTFO claims for biomethane injection coming into effect from 1st April
This article sets out some key changes made by BEIS to allow partial claims to be made under the RHI for biomethane injection
REA member briefing on BEIS proposals on a Green Gas Levy
Read here our member only briefing on BEIS proposals on a Green Gas Levy on gas suppliers
Outcome of Ofgem Call for Evidence on Biomethane commissioning practices
This news item outlines Ofgem’s response to its Call for Evidence on Biomethane commissioning practices, released today
Ofgem’s call for evidence on industry standards and practices for biomethane commissioning
Ofgem seeks views on industry standards and practices for biomethane commissioning