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  • Solar & battery storage tax hike legislation laid on same day as Net Zero debate

    Dr Nina Skorupska, Chief Executive of the Renewable Energy Association (REA) and challenger renewable energy supplier Good Energy are calling on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to rescind legislation laid today that will increase VAT rates on solar PV with battery storage, and on biomass boilers. 

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  • REA welcomes Energy Networks Association’s six steps for delivering flexibility services report

    Today the Energy Networks Association (ENA) published their report: Building a more efficient, smarter, cleaner energy system: Our six steps for delivering flexibility services.

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  • REA welcomes the Mayor of London’s electric vehicle infrastructure plan

    Earlier this morning the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, launched the London electric vehicle infrastructure delivery plan. The plan outlines the mayor’s plans to expand London’s electric vehicle charging network and bring forward the ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles in London from 2040 to 2030.

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  • REA welcomes decision to legislate for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

    The UK Government has confirmed that they will be adopting the Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation for net-zero greenhouse gases by 2050. Secondary legislation is due to be introduced shortly.

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  • Government confirms details and timeline for a Smart Export Guarantee

    Government will legislate for a Smart Export Guarantee – mandating most electricity suppliers to offer a tariff that pays homes and businesses exporting renewable electricity by 31st December 2019. REA welcomes this positive step towards a more decarbonised, local, and cheaper power system. Industry concern over lack of ambition in zero-minimum price and no contract length, in addition to delay in introduction following the closure of the Feed in Tariff. Industry supportive of ensuring the policy is linked to the Microgeneration Certification Scheme, and that mechanisms are in place to review the scheme should it become apparent that generators cannot access competitive tariffs.

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  • REA comments on EV charging sites outnumbering petrol stations for the first time

    Figures from Zap-Map reveal that as of 22 May, the number of public EV charging locations now exceeds the number of petrol stations.

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  • BEIS Consultation on Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

    REA Response to the BEIS Consultation on Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

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  • BEIS Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Part B Consultation

    REA Response to BEIS Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Part B Consultation

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  • Labour to fit 1.75 million homes with solar panels as UK solar sets a new generation record

    Jeremy Corbyn and Rebecca Long Bailey outline Labour’s plans to reduce energy bills by installing solar panels on 1.75 million homes. This initiative is part of Labour’s Green Industrial Revolution and promises to reduce the energy bills of low-income households by an average of £117 a year. This comes just two days after UK solar generation broke records by providing 26% of the country’s total power output.

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  • Bioenergy: the key to unlocking a low carbon future?

    Having spent a large part of my career intermingling in numerous bioenergy circles, it has become clear that the lack of an all-encompassing bioenergy bible (so to speak) has become a hindrance to the progression of the technologies it comprises of.

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  • First do no harm

    Sitting on the board of Women in Science and Engineering, it’s been my passionate hope that we can inspire a new generation of young women to take on the mantle and find solutions to the biggest problem we face in the world-climate change. Yet I never thought a 16 year old girl with her simple, clear and no holds barred message would inspire me so much in return. On the other end of the scale, a 92 year old is hoping to do for climate change what he did for the plastics debate over a year ago.

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  • Tax rate hike for domestic Solar, Storage and Biomass Boiler markets contested by industry

    A sudden consultation released by HMRC, which closes today, proposes to increase VAT rates for technologies such as solar, biomass boilers, and energy storage. The VAT rate hike from 5% to 20% for many domestic installations will make it more expensive for households to reduce their carbon footprint and further slow deploymentThe hike comes off the back of wider withdrawal of policy support and in the same week the UK Parliament declared a ‘climate emergency’ and the Committee on Climate Change published its report recommending the UK reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050Supplies of coal fuel for home use still receive a reduced 5% VAT rate. The REA has come up with possible solutions in its consultation response and urges government not to proceed with this hike or reclassify solar, biomass boilers and energy storage, to ensure incentives for decarbonising homes are supported.

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  • CCC confirm that the fall in the cost of renewables will enable ‘net zero’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) publish their long awaited report on setting the UK’s long-term emissions targets. The report highlights that the significant decline in renewable energy costs makes this more ambitious target more affordable. REA support report but argue that to secure economic advantages of being a first mover, long-term investable policy is required.

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  • Finance and Investment in Energy Infrastructure – BEIS Select Committee Inquiry

    Finance and Investment in Energy Infrastructure – BEIS Select Committee Inquiry

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  • Renewables in Buildings; Building ‘Power’ful Homes of the Future

    Emissions reductions from the UK’s 29 million homes have stalled, while energy use in homes – which accounts for 14% of total UK emissions – increased between 2016 and 2017. Our homes are just not good enough to deal with climate change, the CCC warns in its recent report. Energy nerds realise the low hanging fruit is being picked (decarbonising power), and that we now need to focus on encouraging new sectors (especially construction and transport) to join the renewables transition. The Government’s spring statement highlighted their dedication to decarbonising the buildings sector, so this blog looks to review targets and policy framework, understand what the future homes package looks like, and explore its real value.

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  • Total energy production from renewables is now nearly 13 times higher than coal

    Government data shows that the overall energy output from bioenergy and waste, wind, solar and hydro is now nearly 13 times higher than coal. This comes just seven years after generation from coal was greater. Renewables share of electricity generation was at a record high in 2018 producing 111 TWh with a 33.3% share.

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  • REA comments on the Future of Urban Mobility Strategy

    The Department for Transport released their Future of Urban Mobility Strategy alongside a response to the Last Mile Call for Evidence. The Government claims the new Strategy will aim to maximise the benefits from transport innovation in cities and towns. The Strategy includes a £90m funding competition to support local leaders and industry in trialling new mobility services, modes and models and an ambitious regulatory review covering aspects such as data sharing. The REA urges the Government to address the issues outlined in the Last Mile Delivery consultation and prioritise the interoperability of public EV charging as outlined in the REA’s The Interoperability of public EV charging networks in the UK report.

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  • Energy Efficiency Scheme for Small & Medium Sized Businesses – Call for Evidence

    REA Response to Energy Efficiency Scheme for Small & Medium Sized Businesses – Call for Evidence

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  • Rebecca Pow announced as new chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles

    Rebecca Pow MP has been elected as the new Chair of the APPG on Electric Vehicles after being nominated by former Chair, the Rt Hon Dame Cheryl Gillan MP. Dame Cheryl announced that she would be stepping down as Chair after successfully establishing the group and supporting its membership growth to over 40 parliamentarians over the past year. She will continue to be involved in the APPG in her new role as Vice Chair.

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  • Consultation on Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

    REA Response to Consultation on Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

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