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Organics Forum meeting on 7th December
Presentations are now available from the REA Organics Forum meeting on 7th December
Presentations from REA Green Gas Forum meeting on 9th December available
This item includes all the presentations from REA Green Gas Forum meeting held on 9th December
International Compost Alliance launched
Amended Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2021
Amended Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2021
REA Member briefing – COP 26 Outcomes
REA Member briefing – COP 26 Outcomes What did we expect from COP? The REA were Official Observers to COP26 and present in Glasgow for the full two weeks, attending numerous plenaries, negotiations, side events, informal meetings and member events. Most of the UK Government’s COP26 related domestic policy changes actually happened in the run […]
Recording: COP26 Fringe Panel Discussion – REA and NFU Present: Delivering a Decarbonised Agriculture Sector
Recording of the REA and NFU COP 26 Panel Discussion on Decarbonising Agriculture
Environment Act becomes law
The Environment Bill has been passed into UK law and becomes the Environment Act. It contains plans, policies and targets for improving the natural environment and measures to transition to a more circular economy and the Office for Environmental Protection to uphold environmental law.
BEIS response with information on Red Diesel Replacement Competition
BEIS have provided a response with information on the Red Diesel Replacement Competition to the REA, with details of further support available.
Global alliance of organics recycling associations call for immediate action at COP26
Net Zero Strategy response from the REA
Environment Agency Regulatory Position Statement on waste codes not otherwise specified – ‘99’ codes
Environment Agency publish Regulatory Position Statement on waste codes not otherwise specified – ‘99’ codes
Taxonomies and their technical screening criteria for environmentally sustainable investments
REA warn HGV driver immigration rule changes must reflect scale of shortfall
California first US state to mandate universal composting
California first US state to mandate universal composting
WRAP publish results of Food Waste Trends survey for 2021
WRAP publish results of Food Waste Trends survey for 2021
Defra update factsheets for the 2020 Environment Bill
Defra update factsheets for the 2020 Environment Bill
WRAP publish Roadmap for the Organics Sector
WRAP have published their Roadmap for the Organics Sector, aiming to ensure that the sector maintains trust as a valuable waste treatment option.
Quality Feedstock Resources
Quality Feedstock Resources – A page bringing together resources aimed at improving the quality of feedstocks for composting and AD. Including guidance, templates and case studies.
REA policy on liners and re-purposed bags for collecting targeted food waste streams
REA policy on liners and re-purposed bags suitable for separate collection of targeted food waste streams in England.
Member briefing on Government Hydrogen Package
This resource item includes a briefing for REA members on the newly released Hydrogen Package