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REA comments on Labour’s Thirty by 2030 report
Earlier this morning the Labour Party released their report Thirty by 2030. The report outlines thirty recommendations to reach Net Zero by 2030, a target recently set by the Labour Party.
Report: ‘flexibility’ crucial for Net Zero but regulator pushing ahead with damaging reforms
The REA Launches its new Flexible Futures Report, urging for the deployment of flexible energy technologies with a focus on action required from energy regulator Ofgem as the role of distribution networks is highlighted.
Flexible Futures Report
Flexible Futures Report
BBC reports PM to Chair Cabinet Climate Change Committee
BBC reports that the Prime Minister is to Chair a newly-formed Cabinet Committee on Climate Change. Committee first mooted by Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom to the BEIS Committee on 15 October.
Government hint at the creation of a cabinet sub-committee on climate change in response to CCC
Earlier this afternoon Andrea Leadsom MP stated that the Government could ‘potentially’ introduce a new cabinet sub-committee on climate change in the Government’s response to the CCC’s annual progress report.
Prorogation sees Trade and environmentally friendly bills dropped amid Extinction Rebellion protests
On Tuesday evening Parliament was prorogued seeing a number of bills dropped including the Agriculture, Trade and Non-Domestic Ratings Bills.
REA comments on latest Energy Trends
Earlier today BEIS released the latest Energy Trends statisticsThe release found that coal had reached a record low and that biofuel consumption had increased by 30% on 2018 Q2 figures.
Delivering on the people’s priorities
Brexit or no Brexit, we’re running out of time to tackle climate change, argues the REA’s Nina Skorupska.
Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 3
Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 3
Ministers must commit to 16% bioenergy to safeguard UK energy security
A new report from the UK’s leading renewable energy and clean technology trade association is urging Ministers to commit to 16% of primary energy supply coming from bioenergy by 2032 or risk jeopardising the UK’s energy security.
REA responds to the Science and Technology Committee’s report on Clean Growth
Earlier today the Science and Technology Committee released their report Clean Growth: Technologies for meeting the UK’s emissions reductions targetsThe REA’s CEO Nina Skorupska submitted written and oral evidence to the session earlier this year.
Members Briefing – Preparing for Brexit August 2019
Members Briefing – Preparing for Brexit August 2019
REA calls upon new Government to honour net zero commitments
Coming into this role, Boris Johnson has a lot of work ahead of him, from appointing the new cabinet to working towards Brexit, the next few months are set to be full steam ahead. However, in this time it is crucial that the UK’s commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 does not slip. In order to achieve our legally binding targets and rectify the policy gap highlighted in the Committee on Climate Change’s recent progress report; a far-reaching, long-term and bold approach to policy making.
REA Comments on National Grid ESO’s Future Energy Scenarios
Today the National Grid ESO, with their latest Future Energy Scenarios, has reemphasised the scale of the transformation needed to decarbonise our power, heating and transport sectors to meet our 2050 decarbonisation targets.
REA comments on CCC Progress Report
“Today’s CCC progress report must be the starting gun for Government to get on and deliver the UK’s legally binding ambitions to have net zero emissions by 2050. The report reflects the status of renewable and clean tech markets today, with a dearth of polices constraining the pipeline of power, heat and transport projects needed to deliver immediate carbon reductions.
What’s more this policy gap is currently expected to grow, support for renewable heat technologies – under the RHI – is set to come to an end in 2021, transport targets continue to lack sufficient ambition and some of the cheapest renewable power technologies lack a viable route to market. This current stasis puts supply chains and jobs at risk, while also slowing innovation which will be crucial to further decarbonisation in the future.
Key things to bear in mind if you are developing an AD plant- REA Briefing
Key things to bear in mind if you are developing an AD plant- REA Briefing
REA welcomes decision to legislate for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050
The UK Government has confirmed that they will be adopting the Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation for net-zero greenhouse gases by 2050. Secondary legislation is due to be introduced shortly.
REA Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 2
REA Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 2
Meeting Net-Zero GHG not possible without Bioenergy
A new report from the UK’s leading renewable trade association has found that the sustainable use of bioenergy is core to the UK meeting its legally binding 5th Carbon Budget. By increasing its deployment by a factor of 2.5 by 2032, sustainable bioenergy, which is currently the UK’s leading source of renewable energy, has the potential to meet both the Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC) projected shortfall of the 5th Carbon Budget and the impending nuclear gap by providing an additional 117 TWh across heat, transport and power.