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REA Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 2
REA Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 2
Meeting Net-Zero GHG not possible without Bioenergy
A new report from the UK’s leading renewable trade association has found that the sustainable use of bioenergy is core to the UK meeting its legally binding 5th Carbon Budget. By increasing its deployment by a factor of 2.5 by 2032, sustainable bioenergy, which is currently the UK’s leading source of renewable energy, has the potential to meet both the Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC) projected shortfall of the 5th Carbon Budget and the impending nuclear gap by providing an additional 117 TWh across heat, transport and power.
BEIS Consultation on Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund
REA Response to the BEIS Consultation on Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund
Bioenergy: the key to unlocking a low carbon future?
Having spent a large part of my career intermingling in numerous bioenergy circles, it has become clear that the lack of an all-encompassing bioenergy bible (so to speak) has become a hindrance to the progression of the technologies it comprises of.
First do no harm
Sitting on the board of Women in Science and Engineering, it’s been my passionate hope that we can inspire a new generation of young women to take on the mantle and find solutions to the biggest problem we face in the world-climate change. Yet I never thought a 16 year old girl with her simple, clear and no holds barred message would inspire me so much in return. On the other end of the scale, a 92 year old is hoping to do for climate change what he did for the plastics debate over a year ago.
CCC confirm that the fall in the cost of renewables will enable ‘net zero’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) publish their long awaited report on setting the UK’s long-term emissions targets. The report highlights that the significant decline in renewable energy costs makes this more ambitious target more affordable. REA support report but argue that to secure economic advantages of being a first mover, long-term investable policy is required.
Finance and Investment in Energy Infrastructure – BEIS Select Committee Inquiry
Finance and Investment in Energy Infrastructure – BEIS Select Committee Inquiry
BEIS Consultation on the Capacity Market, April 2019
REA Response to BEIS Consultation on the Capacity Market, April 2019
REA comments on the Future of Urban Mobility Strategy
The Department for Transport released their Future of Urban Mobility Strategy alongside a response to the Last Mile Call for Evidence. The Government claims the new Strategy will aim to maximise the benefits from transport innovation in cities and towns. The Strategy includes a £90m funding competition to support local leaders and industry in trialling new mobility services, modes and models and an ambitious regulatory review covering aspects such as data sharing. The REA urges the Government to address the issues outlined in the Last Mile Delivery consultation and prioritise the interoperability of public EV charging as outlined in the REA’s The Interoperability of public EV charging networks in the UK report.
Positive Commitments for the industry announced in Spring Statement
In the Spring Statement the Chancellor announced: a Consultation later this year on increasing the proportion of green gas in the grid with the aim of reducing natural gas dependency in homes and businesses; a Call for Evidence on an Energy Efficiency Scheme for Small and Medium Sized Businesses exploring how the Government can support investment in energy efficiency measures; as part of the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenge the introduction of a Future Homes Standard by 2025 to see fossil fuel heating systems replaced with low carbon heating and energy efficiency measures; a Call for Evidence on Offsetting Transport Emissions which will give consumers the option to offset emissions from their journeys.
Consultation on Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)
REA Response to Consultation on Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)
REA Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 1
REA Bioenergy Strategy: Phase 1
BEIS Overview of Evidence on Heat Decarbonisation
REA Response to BEIS Overview of Evidence on Heat Decarbonisation consultation.
DfT consultation on RFNBO Hydrogen
REA Response to DfT consultation on RFNBO Hydrogen
REA launches bioenergy review with new Call for Evidence
The REA has launched a far-reaching review into the future of bioenergy in the UK. Bioenergy is energy generated from bio-based fuels, such as wood pellets and biodiesel. The review comes shortly after the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) estimated bioenergy’s contribution to UK total energy could more than double by 2050. The International Energy Agency (IEA) described bioenergy as ‘the overlooked giant of renewables’. The review is expected to form a new policy strategy for government and industry, outlining how bioenergy can fulfil its long-term potential in a low-carbon energy mix..
REA response to Clean Air Strategy
Government have today released the Clean Air Strategy. This follows on from a draft proposal and consultation in May 2018. Whilst the REA welcome the ambitions of the Clean Air Strategy, we urge the Government to commit to strong sector specific policies and take into account contemporary evidence on the role of bioenergy in meeting carbon targets. The REA urge the Government to focus on alternative courses of action to improve urban air quality through the uptake of electric vehicles and renewable transport fuels.
BEIS RHI Consultation – Biomass Combustion in Urban Areas
REA Response to BEIS RHI Consultation – Biomass Combustion in Urban Areas
Flexibility Solutions for High-Renewable Energy Systems
Flexibility Solutions for High-Renewable Energy Systems
Welsh Government Consultation – Achieving our low-carbon pathway to 2030
REA response to Welsh Government Consultation – Achieving our low-carbon pathway to 2030
Smart Systems & Flexibility Plan Update 2018 Briefing
Smart Systems & Flexibility Plan Update 2018 Briefing