The REA’s Green Recovery paper 

The REA has produced a paper outlining our view on the steps the Government should take to ensure the country’s recovery supports our economy and jobs, whilst building towards a greener future.

You can download the full report here.


We are acting as your voice

The REA exists to support our members and we will do all we can to support the industry through these challenging times, however possible. To this end:

  • We are maintaining an up to date Members Briefing (login required) on key Government announcements and the policies of other stakeholders. More about this, and our other briefings, can be read below.
  • We want to reassure you that we are thinking about the potential impact on your business of COVID-19 and how we can represent you.
  • To let you know that on a pan-business level, we are backing the CBI and TUC campaigns for ensuring business continuity across the economy. The Prime Minister established a set of COVID-19 Ministerial committees including one on the Economy and Business which provides the highest level interface on these issues in Government.
  • Please send us any information on any sector-specific problems or potential problems which you may be encountering or anticipate. Members have received a separate email detailing how to do this.
  • If you are not currently a member, but wish to hear more about what the REA can do for you during this time, please contact us at:

We have compiled an Issues Log of COVID-19 specific problems and will be updating this with further examples you provide us with. Actions to attempt to resolve these will then be taken on a case by case basis and included in higher-level communications to senior civil servants. We will act as your voice as needed.


Members Briefings (log-in required)

  • COVID-19 Members Briefing (frequently updated). It details the policies and advice being given publicly by Government, as well as the information civil servants have given to us directly. It can be read here.
  • Members Briefing on Furloughing staff and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. It can be found here.
  • Ofgem response to the REA and ABDA request for information on propane contingency plans in light of COVID-19. The letter is available here.
  • BEIS response to REA’s letter on RHI Tariff Guarantees commissioning deadlines. The letter can be viewed here.
  • A sector specific briefing on Government action for the heat sector. The briefing looks at the self-employed income support scheme, job retention schemes as well as the definition of key workers. You can find it here.
  • A briefing on the Environment Agency’s view on Technical Competence Management Attendance during COVID-19 restrictions. You can view it here.


External Briefings of relevance to Members

  • BEIS have announced a new Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme will be available from the end of April for businesses with a turnover of between £45 million and £500 million, to access loans of up to £25 million. You can view more information here.
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) have issued a position statement on how they will be dealing with regulatory issues during the pandemic – please see here.
  • Environment Agency regulatory guidance for operators of permitted municipal waste incinerators. The guidance can be found here.


Useful Links 

UK Government guidance page 

Full guidance on staying at home and away from others

UK Finance advice for business

Bank of England – Covid Corporate Financing Facility

FSB: Guidance for small businesses and self-employed

TUC guidance for employees

CBI advice for business owners